Multiple Authors

Is it possible to add multiple authors to videos or articles? Like if we wanted to give credit for something to both the individual person and the organization?

It doesn’t seem to work that way out of the box, but would it even be possible to allow or would that take waaay too much work or break things?

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Replies (7)
    • Hello @Corey Dozier !

      You may invite profiles to the one organization or group. I guess it is close to your idea.

      • Does that allow the article or video to show on both profiles under each tab? If a member of an organization posts a video, would that also be shown on the organization’s profile?

        I am essentially trying to have it show on multiple profiles and give multiple profiles credit as authors of that content. So, if 2 people do video content together, both can be listed as authors and it would appear on both of their profiles instead of just one. Same concept but also with an organization.

        • Will definitely need some custom work done.

          • Assumed that would be the case but may make some sense for me to look into in the future. In the meantime, we can just tag the content creators in the description/text of the content

            • No, this way isn't possible without serious changes.

              • Just FYI, @AQB Soft has made this possible on my site and it is incredible! If anyone else needs this, I highly suggest contacting them!

                • @ABQ Soft I am with you on that, amazing I mean Amazing, and a great time scale for helping and updating you all the way, A fantastic service they offer I have appreciated the help they have provided all the way . Simon

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