Potential danger in persons-administration

I just discovered a potential danger in  "page/persons-administration" If you want to delete all the suspendedprofiles and you select the subset "Suspended" and then select the box that usually means select all something else happens.

It selects all the active profiles and if you afterwards click "Delete with Content" you are pretty ...... Up

I know it says "Active" next to the check box, but it is nevertheless a dangerous "feature" to select all the active profiles no matter what subset you have chosen to see.

In my world the ideal function of that checkbox would be that it selected all elements in the subset you had chosen. Right? or...?


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Replies (6)
    • This could be a significant issue if valid. UNA team needs to validate this. Andrew Boon  Alex T⚜️ 

      • Why would you delete suspended profiles?  By deleting them you remove the email, phone, up and any other traceable data that can prevent them from rejoining. Suspended profiles should be hidden from public view but remain on server to protect the site from idiots you’ve suspended. IMO. 

        • First of all I would like to know how do you access "page/persons-administration"  I mean this can only be accessed over Studio -> Pages and then selecting "Manage all People" and then "View Site"? Or is there any shorter way?

          Since we talk about managing Accounts, I just posted a discussion about strange thing I noticed today:
          Link to that discussion: here

          • Hello Mayki !

            For the admin and moderator, It's possible to reach this page via the Manage menu on the Persons-home.

            • Hi LeonidS 

              When loged-in as Admin or as Moderator , on the site:
              .../page/persons-home and using Mange menu - .../page/persons-manage I can only manage my own profile....

              • In my world the ideal function of that checkbox would be that it selected all elements in the subset you had chosen. Right? or...?

                You are correct this checkbox selects all elements displayed on the page. "Active" is title of next column with the switcher -  it isn't related to the column with checkboxes

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