Removing unverified accounts
Is there a way that allows you to mass (1000+) delete accounts with unverified email?
- · Peter
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Hi Ivan, try this --> /studio/settings/account, hope that helps
Thank you! But it seems to me that this method is only suitable for accounts that were created recently. And those that were registered back in the days of UNA 9.0, it seems to me that this will not work. But I'll try.
- · banister
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Hey Ivan, it is quite possible that these unverified users attempted to become verified but they did not know how or misread the verification email, thinking it was already taken care of of.
Or, the message might have gone to their spam box, never to be seen, You might want to contact them via email unless you have all the subscribers you already want.
As you know, you can manually confirm them if need be.
Thank you. Maybe. But there are too many of them, more than 7000.
Have you tried deleting them in the Database?
📷 Michel - 🌎 Meta-Travel 🌴 Community Hub
This is not a good idea. Profiles have data in multiple database tables and should be deleted from the front-end to ensure that all fragments are removed.
Have you tried? Did this work or not?
No, it didn't work.
I think part of the problem is that when a new user clicks on the confirmation link in the email it takes them to an error page that says login and try again.
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Hello everybody!
Thank you for your solid suggestions on how to help dear @Ivan Mishchenko with that deal. Ivan, please specify what situation you have in the Studio->Accounts app when choosing the Unconfirmed value in the "All statuses" field. It has the sorting by the Created field. So you may see the account created too long ago and clear them first.
Thank you! I have accumulated over 6,000 unverified accounts, so I thought maybe there was a faster way to delete them.
I deleted about 1000 accounts, but it took a very long time 🥲