I wish to be able to Set access to both "Join Organization" / "Join Group" restricted by Membership Level.
In the "sys_menu_items" database file what can be changed to achieve this? or is there another way to activate this feature so that it can me accomplished via Studio - Navigation / Groups / Groups Actions ?
I would appreciate any assistance.
- 874
Bernie, when setting up groups, first action the group fill it all in then head back to edit groups
Scroll to the bottom and all the setting for who can enter the groups are here, So to re cap create the group, submit it then edit to reveal the extra setting at the bottom, I hope this is what you were asking. Simon
The settings must be Closed and must be participants
Thank you for the response. However I need to Group to be Public but restrict which Membership level can Join the Organization. This way all content can be visible, but the Group can restrict who can add content without the group having thousands of Members
Similarly with Organizations. See attached. Thanks Bernie
@AQB Soft Any Thoughts?
Hello @Media R3ALM !
It is possible to do in the Navigation area but of the Develop app. See the attached screenshot:
Huge Huge Thanks @Bernie O'Neill
Also Thank You @Bernie O'Neill