Added a discussion

The card presented site wide for a Space, is composed of the space's cover photo, along with the Space name.  There are many applications where additional info on the card would be beneficial to users of the site.  As an example, let's say 50 US states are Parent spaces, and Cities within those states are child spaces.  Then of course, there will be a category and other info attributes to the child spaces.

As it is now, all that would appear on a child space named 'Dallas'  woul be the cover photo, 'Dallas', and the number of followers.  In this application, the name of the parent, ie 'Texas' would be nice to have on the card, as well as the category.  Sometimes a few words are worth more than a picture.

This would be great as a standard feature.  Unfortunately, I need it yesterday.  If someone were to create a module called "Space Cards", I'd certainly buy it

  • 1653
    • Jerome Mingo Do you have time to develop a "Space Cards" module that puts more information on the card?  An obvious derivative would be "Group Cards".

      It would need to function as follows:

      1. Require Spaces/Groups to be installed
      2. Should not modify any Space/Group core files
      3. Admin section should be checkboxes that select what fields should be added to the card.... category. parent, etc

      That's about it

      • Jerome Mingo Do you have time to develop a "Space Cards" module that puts more information on the card?  An obvious derivative would be "Group Cards".

        It would need to function as follows:

        1. Require Spaces/Groups to be installed
        2. Should not modify any Space/Group core files
        3. Admin section should be checkboxes that select what fields should be added to the card.... category. parent, etc

        That's about it

        I think I'll just talk to myself for  a while. I hope y'all don't mind.

        • Could you make a draft mockup of the card you have in mind? Maybe make one in Figma and add me as collaborator - ab@una.io and we can design one together ;)

          • Here's an example, using NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio.  Currently, the card that people see, is a small version of the cover photo, the Space name, and the number of followers.  I'm just suggesting adding other info fields that already exist to a card that already exists.  Category, Parent Space, and other fields are already shown in blocks on the Space View page, but it would be nice to see those on the card that appears on  the various pages as well as feed notifications.  A follow button would be nice to have on the card, but for now we can call it a luxury item  Maybe a short snippet from the Description field.

            Overall, just the ability to add more info to the card to give users a better idea what the space is all about.  In some applications the Space name would be sufficient, but in many cases it isn't, and that's why I'm suggesting this.


            • This request would have to be accomplished as an enhancement of Spaces/Groups instead of as a separate module.

              • Something like this would be nice :)


                • It might be a little more straightforward it modules were self contained, but they're not.  Just tracking down the involved template files shows how intertwined everything is.  The Spaces template file that presents the info, involves a mile  long chain of template file imports that ends with /modules/base/profile/template/unit_with_cover.html  and the key  __meta__  is replace with the data that is displayed.

                  What if, the aforementioned unit_with_cover.html file were move to the Spaces template folder, and break the chain of imports... then a separate module replace that __meta__ key with __modzzz_meta__  that puts more info on the card?  Is that viable?  If possible, only a single Spaces template file would need to be changd, and a separate module could have its own admin section to select which data the __modzzz_meta__  key is replaced with.

                  Instead of /modules/boonex/spaces/template/unit.html containin this code:

                  <bx_include_base:../modules/base/groups/template/unit.html />

                  It would be replaced with this:

                  <div class="__class__ bx-def-padding-sec bx-def-box-sizing">
                  <div class="bx-base-pofile-unit-cnt bx-def-box bx-def-border bx-def-round-corners bx-def-color-bg-box">
                  <a class="bx-base-pofile-unit-cover bx-def-align-center" style="background-image:url(__cover_url__);" href="__content_url__" onclick="__content_click__">
                  <div class="bx-def-unit-img bx-def-__size__-size">
                  <img class="bx-base-pofile-unit-thumb bx-def-__size__ bx-def-__size__-size bx-def-border bx-def-box-sizing" src="__thumb_url__" />
                  <p class="bx-base-pofile-unit-thumb bx-def-__size__ bx-def-__size__-size bx-def-border bx-def-box-sizing" style="background-color:rgba(__color__)">__letter__</p>
                  <div class="bx-base-pofile-unit-online"></div>
                  <div class="bx-base-pofile-unit-title bx-def-box-sizing bx-def-padding-sec">
                  <a href="__content_url__" onclick="__content_click__" >__title__</a>
                  <span class="bx-def-font-small bx-def-font-grayed">__addon__</span>
                  <div class="bx-base-pofile-unit-info">
                  <bx_if:meta><div class="bx-base-general-unit-meta bx-def-box-sizing bx-def-padding-sec-rightbottomleft">__modzzz_meta__</div></bx_if:meta>

                  • In case of the usage of spaces and subspaces, both spacenames would be good on the card 

                    Space Europe / Subspaces France and Italy so the title of the cards would look like 

                    France [Europe] and Italy [Europe]

                    • Andrew Boon 

                      I feel myself falling into the same hole I fell into while trying to put a Dolphin based site online, years ago. The standard off-the-shelf platform will get you started, but inevitably you will need a bit of customization and coding that leaves a person at the mercy of someone else to do the work.  Unfortunately, my primary area of expertise is oil well logging instrumentation. I can do some basic things, but the level of skill required to do something seemingly simple, like adding the category name and parent space to the meta info, is not within my reach.  Back in my Dolphin days, every time I needed a littel custom work done, finding someone to do it was virtually impossible.  I'm wondering what I have to do to avoid falling into the same hole.  

                      Any suggestions?  I urgently need, at the very least, the category name and the Parent Space name (if it exists) on the existing space card.  I've spent the better part of three days looking at the code, and see no built in way of putting that info on the card,  I can put the author's name on the card, the Space ID, and the time stamp, but not the info that would really help, So here I am again,dead in the water, unable to get a key element of a website working the way I need it to work.

                      What would really help, is if the una code included more template keys to compliment the existing ones such as   __id__   __author__   __ts__  or __title_attr__

                      If template keys for spaces, such as  __category__  or  __parent__  or __description__   existed, my problem would be solved, as the customization would be a simple template file edit.   I expect that having a key for a custom field is a different story, but you really should consider making more template keys available,  In other words, if it's a standard field on the entry form, a template key would be useful.

                      For now, a __category__  and a  __parent__  key that I could use in Spaces template files would be a life saver.  

                      • Houstonlively actually Space card info (and some cards in other modules) are already configurable, to change info displayed in a Space card go to 

                        Studio > Navigation > Items > Module: Spaces > Set: Snippet Meta Info

                        Here you can on/off existing items, also we can add more items there in future versions, please specify what items exactly do you need, if this solution is ok for you, if you can sponsor this development we can do it more quickly.

                        • Houstonlively actually Space card info (and some cards in other modules) are already configurable, to change info displayed in a Space card go to 

                          Studio > Navigation > Items > Module: Spaces > Set: Snippet Meta Info

                          Here you can on/off existing items, also we can add more items there in future versions, please specify what items exactly do you need, if this solution is ok for you, if you can sponsor this development we can do it more quickly.

                          Unfortunately, none of those items convey any descriptive information about the Space.  As I said previously, 'Category' and 'Parent'(If exists) is very important in my particular application.   A short snippet of the description would be nice, but not as important as category and parent.

                          Tell me more about sponsoring development of adding only 'Category' and 'Parent' to the info that is displayed.  I could get by with those two things for a while.

                          • Unfortunately, none of those items convey any descriptive information about the Space.  As I said previously, 'Category' and 'Parent'(If exists) is very important in my particular application.   A short snippet of the description would be nice, but not as important as category and parent.

                            Tell me more about sponsoring development of adding only 'Category' and 'Parent' to the info that is displayed.  I could get by with those two things for a while.


                            • We have some experience in extending the meta info items in our Profile Cards module.
                              If you could provide a complete list of new custom meta items for various content - we could release a custom module which will add an ability to expand named custom placeholders into an actual data.


                              Anything else? 

                              P.S. A proof of concept:


                              (notice the category and the name of a parent space for "Test")

                              • Yes... Your Profile Cards module was the first one I purchased.   The Space/Group Category and Space parent will go a long way in  conveying some useful info to users. I thought about a short snippet of the Space/Group description might be useful, but I haven't even convinced myself that a description snippet would in all cases provide useful information.  You can already display hashtags from the description field, and that's probably already better than a description snippet could be.

                                I do use a custom field and selector list in my implementation of Spaces, but I realize adding custom field info to the card might be a little tricky.  For now, the fields you mentioned would be a good start and a huge help.

                                • I'll definitely purchase the module

                                  • Next week we are planning to release a module which will allow to extend the Meta Info menu items, by substituting items (with a preset name) with an actual entry data calculated/determined by dynamic php functions (this way it is going to be fully flexible and will allow to extend it for any custom menu and module in the future).

                                    • Sounds good... looking forward to it!

                                      • Meet the Advanced Menu

                                        • Outstanding!  This is just what Spaces/Groups needed.  Excellent work... Thank You!!

                                          • I recently purchased your Articles module, and it works flawlessly.  If one day, you have too much time on your hands and need something to do, the addition of a 'Print' button would be a nice additional feature,

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