I've moved to another server and installed jot-server 2.0 on the new one. After some time (around 24 hours) it stopped working. In the console I get "Berechtigung/Credential wird nicht unterstützt, wenn die CORS-Kopfzeile 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' auf '*' gesetzt ist" (Permission/Credential is not supported when CORS header Access-Control-Allow-Origin set to '*').
I've tried to connect directly to the jot-server what is not sending any CORS header and is only working on ipv6. So I'm using apache proxy module to listen on ipv4 and ipv6 and forwarding to jot-server.
Is there any possibility to fix that?
I have a fresh install of Una latest version. I can't seem to upload a profile/cover image. I've gone through all the settings but can't seem to find the answer. This image shows but it has the spinning loading circle thing.
- 159
How to call and automatically list a specific parent label with all its child labels in a raw block?
Any idea?
We going places and as far as I know the sky is the limit...
To my hero's @Clubhouse @Andrey Yasko @Molosser Dogs @Jerome Mingo @LeonidS @Rene and all who has made a difference in my journey... It's been long, and truly I begin to see the day of light. Thank you guys.
I have 10 languages in Busimatch.
Each time when i translate, i have problems with some letters or text.
Mostly it's in Russian, like following text:
Откройте для себя Cryptocave: физическое место, где вы можете узнать все о блокчейн- и криптоиндустрии. Будь то зал, кафе или ресторан, Cryptocave можно организовать в любом месте. Хотите сами провести мероприятие Cryptocave? Мы с радостью приедем, чтобы поделиться с вами нашим опытом. Создайте аккаунт на Busimatch и запросите мероприятие. Мы продвинем вашу сессию на Busimatch, чтобы добиться успеха вместе. Настоящая беспроигрышная ситуация!
Is not possible to save... I waited 3 hours.
Then i did: Otkroite dlya sebya Cryptocave: fizicheskoe mesto, gde vy mozhete uznat' vse o blokchein- i kriptoindustrii. Bud' to zal, kafe ili restoran, Cryptocave mozhno organizovat' v lyubom meste. Hotite sami provesti meropriyatie Cryptocave? My s radost'yu priedem, chtoby podelit'sya s vami nashim opytom. Sozdaite akkaunt na Busimatch i zaprosite meropriyatie. My prodvinem vashu sessiyu na Busimatch, chtoby dobit'sya uspeha vmeste. Nastoyashchaya besproigryshnaya situatsiya! and it was ok...
what can be the problem?
UNA 14RC2, cloud, hosted by UNA
HIDDEN Spaces are marked as ACTIVE in site/spaces/manage/own. Is this how it should be? May be for the idea that spaces are still editable for space owners while being hidden? Any explanation is very much appreciated.
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Urgent help needed as I struggle to restore groups module. To keep it short and jump the gun, this is how it goes.
- Groups is not in studio, k
- But when you go to App Store it is listed with the status "Installed" and only because it is actually in the /modules/boonex/groups directory
- Now, if I delete groups from the /modules/boonex/ directory it disappear from the App Store
- Now if I go to the Storefront I can download it again, BUT it appears back in the App Store with status "Installed" grayed out and not "Install" blueish color.
Somewhere in the system is still a reference of Groups being installed and the minute we remove that, point 4 from the above will give Groups back into the App Store with the option to install it.
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