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The SMTP Mailer app works great, and is necessary if you send a lot of e-mail.

It is missing an important feature however. It would be really nice if you could have more than one SMTP account configured in there, and then be able to switch between which one you want to currently use. When you are warming up a new IP for email, you want to send only so much per day... then switch back to your old provider... then back to your new one... etc. Right now, you have to re-configure it every time with the different account information.

Also -- it would be nice to have more than one SMTP account configured for use of Mass Mailer. That way you can have all of your transactional emails go through one account, and your newsletters going out to a different one.

Just my thoughts...

  • 1226
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In the "manage accounts" section, there is an option to select one or more names on the screen, then click the "send email" button. This e-mail does not include the template? Why not? The e-mail comes through plain text with no formatting.

It would be really nice if this "send email" button would use the same template as all the other site email, with my logo, colors, unsubscribe link, etc.

  • 1084
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If you have a user name on a profile with quotes like:

Robert "Bob" Smith

When looking at the profile names on Manage Accounts it will show

Robert &quoteBob

It also shows that way to the users in Notifications.

  • 1548
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I'm looking for someone to assist with compling the mobile app for my website. I'm also interested in light help with getting it into the two app stores. I'd also like assistance getting push running. I'm pretty good with graphics, so I can do all of the logo re-sizing myself. I see a few online under "mobile" or "services" in the App Store... some don't specify a price, and the others range greatly.

Do you provide this service? Have you used anyone for this service?

Sell yourself, or let me know your experiences.


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Has anyone used CCBill as a merchant account with UNA?

They have a website about their API if anyone is interested in writing a module to work with them...

I'm shopping for merchant accounts and have not yet made a final decision, but they are in the running as they are willing to approve my site. What does it take to integrate them?

  • 2561
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I have set up an account with Twilio and entered the credentials into settings.

When I change settings to require phone confirmation, it tells the user they need to do it, and will load the page where they enter their phone number.

When they submit that page, they get a BLANK page. No errors, no nothing. Just a blank page. When asking the browser to show the source code, there is NOTHING there.

Is this a bug? Do I have permissions set wrong somewhere that don't allow a page to load?

The page "confirm-phone" loads fine the first time. After entering in a number and submitting it, the same page "confirm-phone" is attempted, but comes back blank.

  • 658
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Has anyone written an app to clean up the database?

I've experienced an error with deleting users. It doesn't remove everything about the user. While this error needs to be fixed, it leaves strange things around in its wake.

For example, I have "blank" friends in my friends list. I have "blank" followers, etc...

It would be cool if there were an app that on occasion would take a look at the users in the database, and make sure all of the friends, follows, groups, albums, etc... all still have an owner assigned to them. If not, delete the orphans. That way any errors that show their ugly face during day to day operation would ultimately be cleaned up over time.

Does such a thing exist? I'm not a developer, so if not, go for it!

  • 320

HTML tags in Blocks

Is there a reason you can't use a <br> line break in a block? When I put one into the html editor, it removes it.

I want to add a line break to my text, without a paragraph break. Why? Because I have a photo on one side, and a paragraph break sends it all the way to the bottom of the photo. A line break would give me a space and then more text next to the photo.

Any other way to accomplish this?

  • 126

Membership Block Alignment

It seems when the membership block is on a person's homepage, the logo for the membership type is centered.

If that block is on any other page, it is left aligned.

Is this a bug, or is there a way to set the alignment of that logo, as it looks really weird on the left.

  • 130
Brian Discussions
SMTP Mailer feature requests
Email formatting when sending through manage accounts
Bug displaying quotation marks
Mobile App - UNA io
CCBill Integration
Phone Verification