Nearby People
This module automatically tracks all online members' #location and displays them live on an interactive #worldmap. This way anyone can see live who is from where (country, region, city, etc.).
Additionally it can be configured to show #online members #nearby, i.e. as soon as a viewer's location is determined - it automatically centers the #map at it and zooms to a configured level.
A member is able to deny a request to determine his location if he wants to. So the module is not tracking those people who doesn't want their location to be known and appear on a map. Also it allows admin to set max possible zoom level to make it impossible for the members to see the exact location to respect members' privacy.
It supports a variety of map providers and styles, including #Google Maps, #Wikimedia, #OpenStreetMap and many others. A lot of maps providers/styles examples you can find by this link: http://leaflet-extras.github.io/leaflet-providers/preview/index.html. Most of these providers are free to use, which means that you don't have to pay anything in order to display the maps on your site.
Important Notice: The Geolocation API will only work on secure contexts such as HTTPS. Which means that your site must work over a HTTPS protocol in order for this module to work properly.
Also you may be interested in Locations Map module which shows locations of all kinds of site content and in Events Map module which add a maps functionality to the Boonex's Events module.
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- · Baloo
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Hello BenPhilips thank you very much, you decided me. and so fantastic! Simple and effective, and icing on the cake, it works with open source! I made a mini demo here, it deserves to be seen and reviewed.
- · Peter
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- · Peter
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Great Mod, thx! Makes fun and my couple of test-users like it!
But, How can a user change the permission of beeing geolocated? In my case I have a test-user who first denied to be geolocated on the map. Now this user wants to take part and allow geolocation. But this user has no possibility to change this permission by himself. He gets the answer "You have denied the request of geolocation".
SO: Where can a user change this permission?
- tested on chrome, FF, safari
- Hosted by UNA pro package (NO access to cloud/server/files)
- server cache cleared
- user browser cach++ cleared
- nearby settings:
- site members only
- while they are on the map page only
You need to allow you website to access your location from your web browser. If you are using android device you should also turn on your gps.
- · AQB Soft
In reply to Peter
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As Publicapp already mentioned above, a user can change this setting anytime by altering a site's permissions, which depends on a browser used but in most cases it is the icon menu (on the left of site's address in browser's address bar).
- · Amitesh Kumar
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Yes it's good module. I was also thinking that but now after purchasing this one I have disabled because this module is showing real time location that it is sharing real location of any person. It's a very private data of any user and users don't want share this at all times.
It should be working with profile address what people have entered in their profile location setting.
I don't like this module because it's getting user's real gps location.
Then this module is good for you.
The whole idea of the module is to show real locations of online members. Not just providing a map of manually entered fixed addresses.
To respect privacy a member can deny geolocation, and also a site's admin can set the max zoom level of a map thus not allowing a viewer to zoom too close to be able to determine the exact location.
I was not knowing that I can set maximum zoom level. Now this is good thing.
- · Amitesh Kumar
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We post blogs, photos and more things on our UNA websites with location. If we can see them on map that will be a great thing with filter option.
If you will update with this feature this module will be a great module.
We are planning to release a different module which will be showing locations on an interactive map. Perhaps in a week or two.
The Locations Map has been released.
- · Peter
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Does Nearby work together with Autoonline, so 'people' are shown on the map...?
- · Baloo
In reply to Peter
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No ! It bores me a bit moreover this problem, but I do not see any solution ... At what position to put people who are not really online?
? ? ? ?