Profile Completeness

This app is useful for site owners and common site members. Purchasing the app you'll get the possibility to notify your site members to complete their profiles which in turn makes your site more intersting to use. In the same time common site members would be notified (seeing 'Profile Completeness' block) to complete their profiles which will help them to find more friends and so on.

By default the app was intergrated with Persons and Organizations apps and adds 'Profile Completeness' block on Dashboard page which can be copied on any page you want using Studio Pages app.

Also the app allows to set different weights for profile fields. It means that you may make some fields more important. For example, Full Name and Gender may be more important (bring more percents to completeness) than Location.

Another useful feature is that the app was integrated with default Notifications app. It allows to notify site members to complete their profiles. Notifications will be sent directly on the site, via email, using Push notifications (if it's configured).

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