how much cost me finally a complete Una ?

hi, Thank you for making this software, going through the Apps market bring me to a gigantis amount of money to get all modules working, besides that some modules let you be completely dependent to Una or module develiper as it sell it as monthly renting, again so, a huge amount I have to pay for monthly using of a module, 

1- al I understanding mistakely? 

2- what does mean exactly for eg cloud 8, 1000/y, does this mean hosting + una and ALL modules ? if not, what then? 

3- what is finally the total price of una + all selling packs and all monthly renting packs ? 

being so, we can now what are we paying at end of the bill. 

[edited by admin: separate topic]

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Replies (18)
    • With UNA you can get the system apps and CoreApps for free. No attribution required and no licensing fees.

      The "PowerApps" which you see in the Market from UNA Inc vendor can be purchased, but you only pay for updates and auto-downloads. If you don't want to update, you can download directly from GitHub or buy once and never pay for renewal. ALL PowerApps can be purchased for $50 (or $50/month if you want auto-updates).

      All the other apps from the market that you see are from 3rd party developers, which they price as they want. 

      • Hello, I'm trying to understand what is not clear on your "pricing" page and therefore why these questions.


        Until then, it's hard to be clearer:

        Free: Without PowerApps, without hosting
        Pro: With PowerApps, without hosting
        Cloud: With PowerApps, With Hosting

        But if I am a newcomer, I find that this casts doubt.

        What is "PowerApps"?
        UNA apps made by UNA and offered through UNA Market for a fee are called "PowerApps".

        Why "for a fee"? it gives the impression that in all cases you have to pay extra for PowerApps ... and gives confusion.

        Also, I think that you should perhaps specify that the list of the apps included in the pack is progressive, since you add it regularly, it is in your interest to make it known.
        Maybe also remember that a dolphin license gives right.
        Here are just suggestions, you throw in the trash if they are not good :-)

        Hey dap I assure you, if you have not seen differences between Dolpin and Una, it's because you're too fast, take your time to try, they are incomparable on thousands of points.

        • i bought app from 3rd developer and i couldnt download it only manually

          if all app cost 50$ i am ready to pay for it

          (una APP)

          am confused with this site;)))

          if i want to hire someone as support where can i find it and how !!

          I really need someone from una developer to check my entire site and tell me what i need

          • thanks all, I just bought a vps to try una as I couldn't see the functionality of video chat, it is pitty that such a wonderful software doesn't have on itself a powerful chat and video chat module activated or lack of some websites, they are looking for members, why not new una client become client trhough these sites, I sent a message for Andrew and I hope he will get back to me soom.
            Indeed, the problem was understanding difference between monthly? and Power apps, and also cloud hosting, which is not clear if the client will have access to files, so will be possible for him to do some changes 

            • DEAR Andrew, is there anyway that I can get in touch with you directly, ? I sent you an email, I am not sure if you received it. 

              • You're welcome to email me to 

                Note, I am sometimes missing some emails as quite a few come in, but I never miss messages here on UNA.IO - just to my profile and Message me via Messenger to talk. 

                • Hi Baloo, I dont seam to get something clear, its published that the Free pack has the "SysApp" and the "CoreApp" all {28} but there seam to be a wide gap between what is available on FREE installation and what this thread is saying. See the attached as (10) ALL that is available on Free Installation. When you try to access the Store, it requests for "UNA Secret Key" which I believe is not free.

                  How do we reconcile that or am I missing something?? 

                  • HI DeDiary , on your screenshot you have the default package, which includes All SysApps (they can't be removed) and only a few of CoreApps. You can download other CoreApps (like Posts, Discussions, etc) for free. 

                    Key&Secret is, in fact, free and you can generate it here - - it is used to link your site with UNA.IO to be able to download those apps directly from within UNA Studio and to update them later. This connection is securely established via oAuth2 protocol REST API. 

                    • Thanks for the explanation, I never knew.

                      • Please clarify for the feeble-minded:

                        ALL PowerApps can be purchased for $50 (or $50/month if you want auto-updates)

                        By 'all' do you mean every one in a complete set or each one separately?

                        Where (the link, please) do you purchase them all for this one time price - if this is possible? 

                        To further inquire, there is a plan in place just to buy all of the powerApps one time rather than rent them for a monthly fee?

                        And so, you are allowing a cheaper price for those who do not auto update? Yes or no?

                               Much thanks!

                        • Each PowerApp is priced individually. You have option to rent it by month or year ($ 50 / month or year). If the price is not mentioned as per month or year, then it means you buy it permanently (mostly third party Apps are available in this category).

                          You cannot buy all Apps in one go, I think those are available under Big price plans, which you can browse in Marketplace and will understand it based on above guideline. 

                          • thanks very clear 

                            • Great !! Like Dolphin i can be able to create free keys for a sample website i just installed at my hosting.

                              • To clarify here, ALL of the Powerapps are available via the Pro Plan or Cloud Plan subscriptions from $50 per month for ALL of them. There are other options to purchase individual Pro apps for about $50 each PER YEAR. If you are going to be using any more than a few, it generally works out better to get the Pro Plan. All subscriptions include auto-updates and direct support.
                                • I will pay for someone to install this on my server

                                  • why? its easy to install it Installation ( if you want I can help you with that

                                    • I How much I can give you access to9 my server.... I have a trade show in under 20 hrs and I just cant get it to install

                                      • Hello @Michelle Binnington !

                                        I've answered you about it here plz don't duplicate (or even triplicate) the topics about the same subject.

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