We stumbled on a bug when recording a video using the videos module. You can record in a computer browser. You can record in a mobile device browser. But, when you add the shortcut to your iphone home screen, the camera will not open despite the function launching the window to record. To test, open your site on a iphone. Tap the arrow button at the bottom of the screen. Scroll to add to home screen. Then go to your home screen and tap your site icon to sign in. Go To Add Video, Tap Record. It will not start recording.
We want to show block content side by side in a single block. If I have videos, I want them side by side. I know this is possible because on a mobile device when I rotate the device from portrait to landscape the friends / followers no longer appear in a single column but now appear side by side in rows of 3. So, where is the code hidden in Studio for us to apply this logic so they also appear side by side in portrait mode and to the videos module so my videos appear side by side. Thank you.
Hi Guys;
I've created a php script that reads data from an external source and beautifully transfer it to our underlining user tables which is sys_accounts, sys_profiles and bx_persons_data. (All happens internally, no export to csv or json file. It process in the unseen/invisible)
All records transferred successfully...
I've check the status fields etc. and validate it against current records just to make sure they in order or perfect.
I've cache everything just to make sure...
For some reason, they don't show up when viewing them in our user page...
Any advise...
Changed the code of the BxTimelinePageViewItem.php file, now the page titles and descriptions are correct. Everything seems to work correctly. UNA is so big, where many things are connected, so the question arose, does my solution break any functions of UNA?
Hi! If I remove this link, will I break the site? It's just that two identical main pages are not very good.
Has anyone come across a situation where the page is repeated within itself?
Every time a menu item is selected, the page is repeated.
- 574
Visitors to one's profile do not have to see these messages.
Not many people are going to page down to find photos that are not private.
- 1109
Before MSolutions was banished they had two modules that addressed solutions we are seeking. One was a grid feature you see on social media apps like Instagram and TikTok where the videos are in side by side columns. The other module integrated in the video the like (heart) button and counts and comment button and counts instead of them appearing below the video. Does anyone know if someone else has built similar modules and where I can find them
- 1150
Hi everyone,
I wanted to bring to your attention that the following documentation page is not in English:
🔗 How to Work with Studio Apps