Kane Khongsay

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Hey guys, happy thanksgiving.

I wonder if una would make a app to connect directly to the blockchain wallet like metamask where we could get direct payment or member cashing out right away. It would be nice since maybe members here could make money through crypto. Thats only my suggestion it dosent need to be free since i know everyone would pay for it 🤭

  • 500
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Hi, i just install una via softaculous and my website is in maintenance any reason that happen ? Help ?

  • 821
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im wondering if theres any chance of letting user add theres own social icon ? like twitch,mixer, twitter etc on there profile ? i wonder if  we could make UNA a social exchange type of website

  • 2255
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hi, anybody using point system ? i just bought the modules and want to know how you set it up in the level section 

  • 2778
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Dose  anybody knows how to have the same menu for member profile and the public profile feed image_transcoder.php?o=bx_froala_image&h=2522&dpx=1&t=1574551696

  • 2376
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i wonder if you guy could create a affiliate referral program mods if is possible it would be nice. 😀 could help people monitize there website 

  • 3495
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whats the minimum requirement for jot server ? is it the same for Rocketchat ? 

  • 1938
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i wonder if you could design UNA discussions like other forum cms or there a possible way to look the same a bit: i mean user name, picture post count and post rank on the left. i think it would be a good idea.

  • 1259
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i dont know why my facebook app in studio turn blank after clicking and it turn my homepage blank also anyway to completely erase from the studio since im not able to deactivate and uninstall ?


  • 1151
Kane Khongsay Discussions
Website in maintenance
user may add there social icon ?
point system setup
how to design profile page
Affiliate referral program ?