Reviews to Affiliate System
    • Finally! 

    • Wow, great!

      • There will be lots of people cheering to see this one published! Nice work AQB Soft - there was no doubt a huge effort required to create this - it adds a huge possibility to the potential to raise revenue using your UNA website and is a welcome addition to the UNA-verse!

        • Concerning Affiliate 12.0.1 --- Just to inform You ---> Please check the AppUpdate/Version in Una Apps Market. I get Affiliate 12.0.1 as ready for update, but same version is installed allready. 


        • AQB Soft does not seem to work with Facebook/google signup. people who sign up using google/Facebook accounts are not recognized by the affiliate system, and the referrers do not get commissions.

        • AQB Soft is it possible to add 'share with WhatsApp'  button to the Referral Link box, please!

        • I have purchased this.. does this works  I have ad this mod over a year. 

          • I think it's also important to have an additional "referral code" to be manually used when referrals sign up. This is useful for users sign up via mobile app... during registration, a "referral code" field can be optional added....

            • this is a good suggestion. Also getting a referral code option to register as alternative for referral link will work fine. think this can be look into. I have upgraded my UNA to 13-A3 and both the referral system and points module are no longer working.

            • Not really getting support for these module. it has not work since i bought it @AQB Soft i have sent several mails to you without reply.

              Here is the video link to let u know that the module is not working

            • Uptill now this module is not working, not a good one at all, 2days from now another new months will start, yet the referral and the points module have not worked on my site. tired of sending mails. please i need quick support to get this issues resolved

                • pillarcom
                •  ·  a minute ago
                • I do not know how else to reach you.

                   , I sent you mail every day to let you know the importance of this project. Without the referral system working properly, I do not have business using the UNA.

                  My business has been on a stand still because of this Referral /Affiliate issue not working properly.

                  Users can't register new downlines under them.

                  Please attend to this ones and for all.

                • Hello!


                  should finish the registration by himself to be sure that the

                  registration is real. So, the all information about referrer is stored

                  in browser of the potential member and after his confirmation user is

                  added to the referred list automatically. It means that if admin

                  confirms the profile it will not work. But admin can add referral to

                  this member manually via studio->affiliate system->members area.

                  It will take the same take as profile confirmation via Accounts module.

                  We will update this algorithm in the next version and to make it possible to register user after admin's confirmation.

                • Hello, @AQB Soft AQB, uptill now till now my issues are not resolved. this is not good for business. i have sent you several mails, no reply.

                  please look into the email and reply. the delay is really affecting my business.

                  waiting to hear from you

                • Hello @AQB Soft

                  Thanks a lot for the Affiliate System version 12.0.7 release. You guys are doing a great Job.

                  Please consider adding the following features to the next version:

                  • Ability to use the Affiliate money (commission, balance or earnings) to pay for membership levels (renew/upgrade) or to pay for any other product or service sold in the UNA platform similar to 'Point wallet'. Then on the shopping cart we will have something like: 'Checkout with Affiliate Commission' or 'Checkout with Affiliate Balance' or "Checkout with Affiliate Earnings'. Many companies like Hosting companies allow users to renew or upgrade their hosting plans using their affiliate commission.
                  • Ability to convert Affiliate Commission to Credits or Points
                  • Ability to donate money from Affiliate commission or earnings similar to the 'Donate Points' feature.

                  Thanks in advance.

                  • Hello @OneEagle ,

                    Thank you for using our modules and for your suggestions to improve them!

                    Currently, there are options available that allow the conversion of Affiliate commission into Credits, Points, and real money. The administration can enable new options that allow users to receive Credits and Points in real time when actions are executed. This way, members can use them as they wish.

                    Could these new options address all the issues you listed?

                    • Thanks for your reply.

                      The only things I can see are:

                      • Allow to use points as commissions
                      • Allow to use credits as commissions
                      • Allow to use default currency as commissions

                      But I don't see any conversion feature 'default currency' to 'credits' or 'points'.

                      Let's say that I have enabled the 'Allow to use default currency as commissions' only because I don't want to grant users points and credits on top of the money they have already earned.

                      I don't want them to earn e.g: $10 + 5 credits + 15 points for referring others. I just want them to earn $10 per referral. So I disabled both 'Allow to use points as commissions' and 'Allow to use credits as commissions'. Then a user earns $50 of commission.


                      1. How will he/she use the money from his/her affiliate commission to renew or upgrade his/her membership level or to pay for an ads or a paid join group/course?
                      2. How will he/she donate a part of that money to another user since there is no conversion to credit or point feature? can a user withdraw his/her affiliate commission money as Credits or points instead of money? if so where and how to set the conversion rate?


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