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I want the mobile app to look exactly like my una site (artificer theme). Is it good practice to just have a blank webview app, so when the person opens the app it only shows the mobile verson of my site as of they are opening it in the chrome web browser? Or should I use UNA's mobile app? Also, is flutter good or should it be something else?

  • 2605
    • Short answer is no, it's not a good practice to ship an app that is only a wrapper with your site in webview. There is a good chance (more so in recent years) that your app would be rejected during the review as well.

      Long answer is a bit more complicated. Apple and Google say that they want your app to add some value beyond just the mobile site. In reality they just want more control and webview is not something they can control. Very similar context applies to progressive web apps - a lot of talk and excitement about PWAs getting accepted to app stores, but in reality they just don't get past the review. Not for social apps anyway. Maybe very simple notebooks/to-do/generate-image apps would be accepted, but a social app is treated differently.

      We have an app in UNA repo, which is a bit more than a wrapper. It has a launcher, header with routing, notifications, etc. It's still often not enough. Hence the effort to build NEO.

      We are going to announce the first native NEO app in production on Monday. Stay tuned.

      • Ok I will use NEO. I think that I also need for the app to have google pay and apple pay for in app payments.

        • Google may be different but Apple is cooperative. I have an existing app with over 4 million app installs since publishing a decade ago. I am intimately familiar with the Apple app store review process. It is my own personal experience as why I inquired. As long as the app does not provide unfettered web access, it stands a good chance of being approved by Apple. And based on our experience so far with the UNA modules, it appears you have safeguards in the coding restricting access outside the community. A tip of the hat to the developers for great insight.

          • We are going to announce the first native NEO app in production on Monday. Stay tuned.

            Hi @Andrey Yasko - Does it mean that now NEO Mobile is available to use? can existing website (una 13) can use NEO App or we need to update or migrate ?


            • It's a bit of a gamble. Apple used to be much better at accepting webview/hybrid apps, and I'm assuming that if you published some years ago, you wouldn't have as much risk. Now, however, sometimes they use "no benefit over web version" as a way to prevent apps from sneaking in features that they can't control. If you serve the app via webview, nothing really stops you from passing review with compliant features, and changing it any moment after.

              It's not really "fair", because native app often has exact same functionality as hybrid app, and still gets approved with less scrutiny.

              • NEO app is not year available for public use. We only use it for some clients under Tailored support plan. The main reason is that we push up to 10 commits a day sometimes and it's changing a lot still. The app we're announcing is a first public app in production that we're authorised to disclose.

                • All of this correct. We update the native app four times a year. Once you pass the rigors of initial app approval subsequent approvals are smooth.

                  • Which Monday? I have been awaiting this post/release for some time.

                    • Sorry for the delay. There is some coordination we have to do with the client - their public release was pushed back a bit, but we expect to be able to announce next week.

                      • Me too...you know....tell me, is it a paid module or what?

                        • Good news I heard about the una app... guys, sorry for this... I have been an IT Guy for many years ...but more in the system analyst field... my programming stopped many years but still understand the fundamentals.. Is there a way I can get going doing my own una app... where are the, but really simple guidelines

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