Just Curious - What does everyone do for a living?

I have met a few folks here that are building/have built a site (or multiple) while working a 'regular' job somewhere else.
So, what else do you guys do?  Have you been successful in having your site produce enough revenue to at least be self sufficient?

I own a small security company based in Atlanta, Georgia, USA; Steadfast Security.
We install/service commercial security systems; burglar alarms, cameras, access control, gate operators, etc.

I am using Una to make an new online community for farmers, hunters, fishermen, etc to help each other learn and buy/sell/trade.

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Replies (98)
    • Hey Nahayka ! Good to see you here mate!

      • 😂 don't rush! 

        • I am in Africa and my continant needs new ideas, I was about to launch a big project with Dolphin, but suddenly Andrew has switched to una, I took a lot of time to reorient the same ideas towards una. now it's okay, the project is ambitious and I consider una as wikimedia that made wikipedia. I sacrificed a lot to stop, if I could find good partners in my country, the African equivalent of these big tech companies (amazon, ebay, alibaba, google) would have already emerged.

          Andrew and his team have made a very interresent tool, I just hope it will continue like other popular open source project

          • I will do my project, my livelihood

            • I am a freelance web developer / marketer living in Phillipines with a team focusing on helping clients for all their customization needs.

              Highly focusing on Dolphin for 8 years but now starting to do projects using UNA (mastering still) so we can expand our services.

              • And I haven’t been working anywhere for 6 years after I made a fast career as a sales manager in an advertising agency. Then the customers I attracted began to pay me directly 😊

                • James Cherry im  29 male  & unemployed with autism i was told that im not fit for work but i disagree im building my network to prove a point and that i want to work for my self become self employed they think i cant work with my condission i disagree.

                  • Andrew Boon,

                    Learning Sanskrit:

                    I learnt it over a period of years mostly by self-study but also by using meditation to revive knowledge of Sanskrit from previous births. However, the interest in Sanskrit could be divided into two parts, learning vocal Sanskrit and learning literary Sanskrit. Just as a person can be fluent in English and still fail an English grammar and usage exam, the same goes for any other language. A person may be expert in writing English language and be terrible at pronouncing English words because of not being exposed early on to the correct vocalization of the language.

                    The point is to make a decision as to if one wants to learn to speak Sanskrit or to translate from Sanskrit. To learn to speak it one should have access to a pandit or someone who speaks it fluently and one must also learn the alphabet, which is quite different to the layout in English.

                    If one wants to understand Sanskrit literature like Bhagavad Gita or Yoga Sutras, then one should learn the grammar regarding the breakdown of nouns, verbs and other features of the language.

                    This seems to be a big task but it is encouraging to know that it is a dead language, where it is not increasing in vocabulary like say English. Sanskrit has root words (dhatus) which are in a limited number. If one carefully studies these, one can easily master the language because the combinations of these root syllables makes all the words in the language.

                    One thing that helps with the Sanskrit texts is to get translations which have word-for-word meanings because then one can compare them and learn quickly. Translations without that are useless to check the meanings of the words and compare one translation to another.

                    One book worth mentioning is the Bhagavad Gita by Winthrop Sargeant. It is the only I know of which has the exact grammar designation of every word of the Gita. I translated Bhagavad Gita and gave Word-for-Word meanings but his detailed grammar designations are unique.

                    • Shantidvara = Gate (Portal/Entry) of Peace?

                      What is the main yoga sect or process taught?

                      Who is the guru of the founder?

                      • I am a distributor/sales rep for my family brand herbal teas. Dalgety Herbal Teas. I have to market our teas in The Netherlands.

                        • MyZoid Vapour good for you. No other person should decide your limitations.

                          I listen to David Goggins (Seal & Ultra Runner), and he sheds light on how our minds are ready/willing to give up long before our bodies. You're the only one that knows your limits, and even then, limits can be overcome.

                          • indeed i see stuff differently than most but that's ok i have some skills no one else i know has to make up for what i should be able to do but cant.

                            • Expertzkris Interesting i will keep you in mind for work 👍 

                              • Expertzkris Which part are you in?

                                • PHP, css, mobile app rebrand or from scratch, airbnb clone, gif for ads and SEO

                                  • Expertzkris I meant which part of Philippines?

                                    • Oh okay, Im from Cebu City :)

                                      • We can wait stay easy :)

                                        • Oh cge. I will be in Central Luzon next month. Where are you from originally?

                                          • I work full time in IT running my own IT company called Legacy Tech. I just recently launched my first UNA site for the Pro 2A community and moderate that site with about 5 others now.

                                            unitedethos*com (i can't post links for some reason)

                                            I have really enjoyed the UNA community and love the platform.

                                            ps: I ALSO think I have the best looking UNA site

                                            • 2A is my second native language, I just joined...

                                              Site is very clean. I haven't seen many to say if it's the best, but it's definitely user friendly. 

                                              Hope you do well... That goes for all y'all!

                                              • How did you put that accessibility menu icon on the bottom left, to change the theme instantly?

                                                • Oh never mind, it says UserWay

                                                  • its an ADA compliance module called UserWay.org

                                                    It instantly modifies the local browsers loaded CSS, HTML, PHP and Java to meet the requirements with ADA compliance.

                                                    its free to sign up and you just load the script right inside the "Injections" area of UNA for the Header and Body. 

                                                    • bbunnelle No way your site is better than mine :) 

                                                      • 😆

                                                        • Really? Post the link!

                                                            • 👍

                                                              • Gidday everyone,
                                                                I'm guessing this is a good thread to introduce myself. I'm Paul Cull, from New Zealand although I spent over twenty years in Brazil. I've just completed a Master of Emergency Management in New Zealand and am looking for employment in the field whilst working on some contracts for international Non-Governmental Organisations.
                                                                I have been training Community-Based Disaster Response Teams (CBDRTs) in developing countries since 2003 and have mostly been teaching the US Federal Emergency Management Agency's Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) course, although I'm currently working on a new model more suitable for vulnerable communities and developing nations.
                                                                I've taught or supervised around 33 CERT courses for some 660 people in 7 nations so far, so and want to create a site where CBDRTs can communicate, help each other out, post information about training ideas, online courses, etc. I've snagged the domain cbdrt.org for this and put it on my own VPS for now, and am trying to see if UNA will do what I need (I think it will as it will basically be people who belong to organisations posting in groups and sharing files, videos, etc).
                                                                Since some of the teams I founded are in Brazil I'm also looking at creating a Portuguese translation for UNA (I've done that for other software in the past).
                                                                I don't expect to make any money from this site although I hope that if it expands enough we might get funding from an international organisation to put it on a decent hosting environment (like una.io).


                                                                • Paul my friend! It’s good to see you here! It’s a small world!

                                                                  • UNA is an awesome platform. I think it will be great for what you have in mind. When will you be back in the US?

                                                                    • UNA just deleted my comment and gave a weird message.. not a good sign!
                                                                      I'm finding it difficult to learn how to start to set up my site but maybe I haven't yet hit the mother lode of beginner's documentation. I have created and maintained a few Joomla sites for a number of years and suspect that UNA will be easier to use and more modern once I find my way around.
                                                                      I don't have any plans to visit the US again at the moment. I've been doing some contracting for an international NGO which seems to have dried up at the moment so I'm looking for a full-time job here in New Zealand or in Australia.

                                                                      • All three of your messages are still here.

                                                                        • Weird. When I posted the first reply what looked like some PHP code appeared and the reply didn't show up when I refreshed.

                                                                          Anyway, deleted it now so as not to repeat myself!

                                                                            • Hi Paul,

                                                                              you are in a great field. I was also in this field in the San Antonio, Texas area. Handled many incidents as Logs Chief and trained all the way up to Area Commander.  Best wishes with your efforts and i will watch CBDRT.org to see how it goes.

                                                                              • Hi everyone,

                                                                                I am late to the topic but here is a little intro. Firstly I have two profiles here and the other is Molosser Dogs

                                                                                I am a retired US Navy Lieutenant Commander who spent a lot of time Navy ships and traveled the world a couple times.  Have been on all (yes) the continents. It would be easier to name countries that I have not visited than the ones visited, thanks to Uncle Sam.  So after almost 27 years I retired and have been using the knowledge and experience of global operational logistics, procurement, contracts, materials management, process improvement and leadership to do things in Oil & Gas and Construction industry. I just returned from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and will start a new position with a wonderful company in San Antonio in January.

                                                                                I am a big fan of dogs and especially the molossoid breeds.  These are typically the big scary dogs that you may see guarding livestock or protecting property. We have owned Caucasian Ovcharkas since 1998 when we lived in Itri, Italy and needed dogs to protect our home and property from thieves and brigands.

                                                                                Since 1998, I have been running websites for this breed and the Molossers. The mainstay is molosserdogs.com. I have used phpbb, SMF, phpNuke, e107, Dolphin and now UNA. On e107 we had 17,000 active members and then the big social networks came and killed all activity. :(

                                                                                If you have dogs - pop over to molosserdogs.com and join us. - shameless plug here.

                                                                                Anyhow, because I am still vested in the dog community - I keep the site going now using UNA.

                                                                                UNA has some shortcomings in the areas of user engagement, content presentation, onsite notification, the use of screen space (too much white space) and other usability issues but hopefully the devs are aware and a future version will round out all the rough edges.

                                                                                Cheers All.


                                                                                • I just hold doors

                                                                                  • Sorry I am late in this topic. I've been in IT for about 20yrs. Today I provide IT services mainly around AWS Cloud. I help companies build new Cloud environments including security.  Most of my work is done in a automated fashion using Infrastructure as Code (IaC). The tools I use for the Orchestration and Configuration are Terraform & Ansible which enables me build new Cloud environments from ground up in days not months. The clients love this approach because it helps them get things done rather quickly and not to mention it is very cost-effective. This also enables them hire less engineers to maintain their environments and build/rebuild resources on the fly.
                                                                                    I use my UNA site (former D7) mainly to provide my community with a platform for social networking which also helps me showcase my IT services. Sometimes I get some revenues from advertisement, but not much. Hoping to come up with an attractive product I can use on my site hopefully to generate more revenues, but I will not loose sleep over it if I don't.

                                                                                    • Hi Gary, I checked your site molosserdogs [com], you did a great a job ! I just migrated recently from D7 to UNA, and would love to get a nice landing page similar to yours.  I was wondering if you purchased the Theme/Template for your site or someone customized it for you. I would consider purchasing similar Theme but not sure where to get it from..  
                                                                                      Please advise. Thanks.


                                                                                      • Best wishes with your project - and good luck with your network.

                                                                                        • I think you meant the Xenon mix for Protean. It is by UNA themes so you can check it out on the market. Thank you .

                                                                                          • I am and Algerian Filmmaker and a composer apart from that I ve been trying to build an Algerian community platform to help musicians and artists in general since 2012 tried boonex and even Jamroom no luck there for many reasons !!! :) now I am setting it up with UNA. my moto for that is "launch it and let it grow... :) don't over think it"  

                                                                                            • I would to see your project. I have a music related community too. 

                                                                                              • Hi Tim happy to know that, well I am still in the building phase and learning more about UNA platform and the modules I ll be glad to share once launched hopefully soon  

                                                                                                • Hi Tim happy to know that, well I am still in the building phase and learning more about UNA platform and the modules I ll be glad to share once launched hopefully soon  

                                                                                                  • Awesome 

                                                                                                    • I work in movies as an ass double.  Some actors are just too bashful to bare their butts on camera, so whenever the movie script calls for a shot of a big hairy butt, that's where I come in.  It pays the bills.

                                                                                                      • Hello UNA community I hope you all are doing well. Thank you for sharing your story and your sites. I decided to be a David and try to take on the Goliaths of social media. Except currently I am trying to perfect my sling shots before I strike 😉 I started a Social Media platform truvoiz.com to allow freedom of speech and expression. No censorship and no fake fact checkers. 

                                                                                                        It is built by American Patriots who love freedom. We supports conservative values, preserve The Constitution, The Bill of Rights, and we honor the American flag. All are welcomed as long as you respect other beliefs, other opinions, no bullying, no inciting violence, no pornography, and graphic images. Join us and invite your freedom loving family and friends truvoiz.com ❤🇺🇸😃

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