It is flexible and comprehensive system to monetize user's activities. In other words, it allows to reward members with points for their activities. You can guide members' #activity to any part of the site and make them more active in :...
This system comprises a set of the most powerful and useful Affiliate and Referrals tools. It is intended to assist site vendors to attract unlimited number of real paying members. You can use system both standard linear referral and...
Highly-customisable template, packed by default with UNA. Mobile-friendly horizontal navigation. Wigh minimalist look, designed for various style combinations.The Protean template features customizable Style sets, editable via UNA Studio.
Attendant is a utility app that shows a popup to newly joined members with a list of featured groups, spaces, channels, events, organizations, and/or people that can be followed if desired. Any of the featured selections that the user...
Prevent spam content posting and reduce the number of spammers trying trying to join your site with UNA’s Antispam app. This app is an important component in keeping your site membership and content curated and under control.Methods...