The state of UNA10 update

As many of you know we had 15th of June set as a target due date for the UNA10. Here's what's going on:

1. We are testing a feature-final version already and you can see the code in our Github repo. 

2. This update is quite big, so testing is more involved than usual and we do have a few remaining known issues we need to address over the next few days. 

3. We are already working on upgrade script for those upgrading from v9.

4. Almost all modules had changes, so the version and modules packaging is taking time. 

5. All of the above steps are somewhat unpredictable and may take anywhere from a couple of days up to a week. We're pushing as hard as we can to make it happen ASAP. 


JOT is a very new "thing" - it's not just another UNA module, since it requires additional software installation on server-side as well as special configuration. We have been considering various ways of making JOT available as a product and ultimately decided to include it as a free UNA core component, which will be available to everyone regardless of subscription type. We see JOT as a new type of functional "skin" for UNA, which integrates with existing configuration ans accommodates existing Content and Context modules. Therefore, it is in the best interest of the community to make it available to as many operators as possible. 

UNA10 is already equipped with services required for JOT to work if installed separately. So, the most likely scenario is that we will release UNA10 and follow up with the JOT 1 shortly afterwards, while a "built-in" JOT will appear a little later in a subsequent UNA update.

iOS, Android, Mac and Win Apps

All native apps will work with UNA 10 right after the release. A PowerApps called "Nexus" will be required to correctly connect the apps and your UNA site. Nexus app will be available as part of the Pro and Cloud subscriptions, as well as a separate purchase via UNA Apps Market (the planned price is $100 including 1 year of updates).

Beta Versions

UNA 10 will be first released as an upgradable Beta and will be staged through as many beta-versions as it may be necessary to mark it as "stable". All potential Beta updates will be subsequently upgradable, making it possible to use UNA10 for live site, though we do recommend doing so with caution (make regular backups and observe your site closely). 

Thank you for your support and patience!

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