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I have followed the instructions from https://github.com/unacms/una-desktop-app/tree/master and created my application. The problem is that the application only allows viewing one page of my site: https://xxxx.com/page.php?i=messenger

What do I need to configure so that the application allows me to browse my site?

I have purchased the Nexus module, expecting to create my app for desktop and Android. Nowhere does it state that the apps are only for Messenger.

Where is the documentation on this?

@LeonidS @Andrey Yasko


  • 133
Added a discussion


I have the dynamic Add Content block in my Groups. However, add Event is not shown. It is in the Add Content navigation menu, it just does not show up in the dynamic add content block (Create Post - Context).

Any ideas? I have been trying to backtrack code, but can't seem to understand how these checks work, where they are at in DB.

Thank you.

  • 129

Problem with App module.

Hi all, I am going to back using UNA again and just successfully reinstall it and run on NGINX environment. I have an issue when Download the app module from store, it keeps showing Queued for so long time and never change (already 3 hours). Any idea what's going on?


  • 133
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UNA 13.1 hosted in UNA cloud

I wonder if anybody can confirm the problem with FEED ITEM PREVIEW in Public Timeline

  1. An AD in the public timeline, visible for Unauthenticated Users
  2. AD header image and text is shown well for all levels in public timeline
  3. BUT
  4. Unauthenticated Users/Guests clicking on the IMAGE the result is a frozen site
  5. So Unauthenticated users dont get the ''Feed Item Preview''

What could be the reason? Any ideas are very welcome :)

  • 189

If you want to create a Q&A site, UNACMS seems to be a great fit. I turned on comments in the general feed and noticed that search engines started showing comment pages as an answer to the question that was asked in the thread. And that seems good to me.

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Reposted Clubhouse's post.


I had to travel to my sons as his 5 yr old son my grandson has been diagnosed with cancer.

I am late paying my $99 dollars premium subscription I have emailed UNA CMS direct 3 days ago asking them to take the money from my account , It is still there I have emailed again its still there no one is replying to my request, I have got an email saying my licence will expire on the 27th can anyone help please this is causing me so much stress, I only missed as I was not at home at the time but was needed for family time. Who can make this happen so I keep my licence for premium

the money has been in my business account waiting for them to take it.


  • 358
Reposted Wise's discussion.

@LeonidS my friend, I am hoping you may know the answer to this.

Is there anyway I can restrict Visibility.

Example. Say I do not want Polls to have Group visibility, so when adding a new poll under Visibility, my groups do not show up.

Is there a way in studio? Database? Custom class overrides?

How can I accomplish this?

Thank you UNA!

  • 399
Added a discussion

@LeonidS my friend, I am hoping you may know the answer to this.

Is there anyway I can restrict Visibility.

Example. Say I do not want Polls to have Group visibility, so when adding a new poll under Visibility, my groups do not show up.

Is there a way in studio? Database? Custom class overrides?

How can I accomplish this?

Thank you UNA!

  • 486
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Added a discussion


Well, the title says it all really, I am just wondering if I can do changes in Studio that won't go live immediately for public. Like fine tuning with settings or even adding new apps.

Thank you!

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