Profile Cards
This module allows to use an alternative custom #styles for #profiles #cards across the site - both #Persons and #Organizations. It also allows to display various profile related information (like, for example, Age, Country, City, Category and any other field, including custom fields) directly on a profile's card. The module adapts to a site's #template automatically which means that fonts, backgrounds and boxes' styles of the profiles cards across the site will vary and will be styled accordingly to a template/mix you're using and its settings.
The module also provides an extended support for meta menu on profile cards. For example it is possible to create a "Message" button with an onclick handler
on a profile card which will be opening the Messenger page with a member (no need to visit profile first in order to click the "Message" button).
Andrey Yasko
- ยท
Nice new take on what an UNA app can be - a set of element styles, which would be very useful and you can expand the set gradually.
Andrey Yasko
- ยท John Curtis
- ยท
Love it... I installed this and in my case I'm looking for a member card that has much more info on any member at a glance with taking up much less room, mainly for mobiles.
Great job guys, Thank You
- ยท unknown
- ยท
Useful app. Some updates need to be done.
1. Being able to centre the information, now it looks weird cause name is the centre but everything is left aligned
2. Putting a character limit to display for person description. Some people have a long bio and the card becomes long. It should be a main preview of the profile.
3. Style C1 only shows the quick informer icon when you hover over the profile image, once you move the mouse to click on it, the icon disappears.
I'll have some feedback as I play around with it. It,s a fantastic start. Thank you
- ยท AQB Soft
In reply to unknown
- ยท
Thank you for your feedback. The version 1.1.0 has been released.
1. We've added the style A3 which is similar to A2 but with everything centered.
2. Added a setting to control max characters per "Info Line"
3. Fixed.
- ยท unknown
- ยท
I'm still loving this app but I'm back for more feature requests. Can we please have the ability to add more info lines of metadata with maybe a limit of 5 or 6 lines. People really like reading a lot about the user at a glance without clicking on the profile card.
- ยท AQB Soft
In reply to unknown
- ยท
You can put multiple fields per info line. So you can have any number of fields in a single Info Line.
Adding more than 2 lines will break the B1, B2, B3 card styles. -
- ยท AQB Soft
In reply to unknown
- ยท
We've released an update V1.1.1, which allows to put tags into info lines templates. So you can put lets say "[city]<br />[description]" directly into the info line template row which will move the [description] to the next line. Be aware that while using the Info Lines builder the template will be updating as a comma separated list, so if you will have custom text/tags inside info lines templates then I'd suggest to save them prior to using the builder and then put those custom text/tags back where necessary.
- ยท Baloo
- ยท
Thank you AQB, a good idea and a good job as usual. Effective and very useful!
Mark Purser
- ยท
AQB Soft - can we customise what items are displayed from Profile fields?
- ยท AQB Soft
In reply to Mark Purser
- ยท
Sure, it is fully customisable. Any field can be added/removed to any of the two info lines. Moreover you can even put your own text/formatting there.
Mark Purser
- ยท Ralf
- ยท
how can I add my custom fields to the infoline?They are not displayed in the "Persons Fields (drag'n'drop fields to respective areas)" area.
Manually I can not insert them in the area "Persons Info Line 1 (you can use the section "Info Lines" below to manage this)"
- ยท ALBG
- ยท
Hello, I've paid twice
- ยท AQB Soft
In reply to ALBG
- ยท
Check your PM.
- ยท Cem
- ยท
super useful product, thanks :)
- ยท
I could not display message button on profile card
- ยท Molosser Dogs
- ยท
How do I get the 1.8.0 update. It does not show up in my updates on studie.
- ยท Molosser Dogs
- ยท
Very useful App. Thanks for creating it.
- ยท Foghorn
- ยท
Very nice module! Is there any way to format dates shown or have it format based on our site settings? For instance, using [added], I get something like "2018-08-30T12:38:51+โฆ" instead of "Aug 30, 2018".
- ยท AQB Soft
In reply to Foghorn
- ยท
An update to version 1.1.10 has been released which fixes the way dates are being displayed. Thanks for reporting it.
- ยท Brian
- ยท
When using UNA's default [location] field that contains the complete address... is it possible to pull out [city] or [state] from it?
- ยท Peter
In reply to Brian
- ยท
Yes it is and you can use city, country ++ in the 'snippet meta' menue to be shown on the profile card. AQB's module 'advanced menue' does the trick --> my test site -->
- ยท Brian
In reply to Peter
- ยท
I do have the advanced menu module, and it works... but I like the formatting better from Profile Cards. Is it possible to get the City and Country available to Profile Cards, or only with Advanced Menu?