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How to scroll after paginate

go to /inc/classes/BxDolPaginate.php

change this:

   protected function _getPageChangeOnClick($aReplacement)
        return !empty($this->_sOnChangePage) ? 'onclick="javascript:' . $this->_oTemplate->parseHtmlByContent($this->_sOnChangePage, $aReplacement, array('{', '}')) . '; return false;"' : '';

to this:

protected function _getPageChangeOnClick($aReplacement)
        return !empty($this->_sOnChangePage) ? 'onclick="javascript:scorlly();' . $this->_oTemplate->parseHtmlByContent($this->_sOnChangePage, $aReplacement, array('{', '}')) . '; return false;"' : '';

go to studio->designer>injection and add this to the head:

 *add script tag surround (cant do it here)

 function scorlly(){
  $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 300 }, "slow");
  return false;
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