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How to Monetize your UNA Website

One of the (many) wonderful things of my job, is that I am constantly communicating with Social Media Entrepreneurs (you guys!) -  discussing strategy and vision for creating the Next Big Social Start-Up. 🚀
It is often interesting in my conversation with fellow UNA-Preneurs - many of whom are intrepid business builders ⚒ - developing communities upon the UNA Community Management System, how quickly the conversation and focus turns from Community Development to Monetisation.🤑

Don't get me wrong, I love money, monetization of any business is a paramount function that should not be ignored. However, I often find myself steering the conversation back towards community development and expansion, which in my opinion should take precedent over the monetization efforts, to begin with.

My recommendation for most Social Community Developers is to have monetization efforts in your strategy from day dot - but don't obsess over it.

As a Community Manager - it is your job to inspire growth, interaction and engagement. Build value in your website, and cultivate a passionate community seeking to connect with that value and the money will surely follow.

I've spent a lot of time in the Blog-O-Sphere, the world of building enticing cookie content, sales funnels and metric conversions. Leveraging big Unique Visitor Traffic with Google Ads and the slippery slope of trying to convert your Blog readers to email subscribers.

With a Social Community, you have the potential for something different - a passionate community who are coming together on your site, to share resources, ideas, information, inspiration. 

Here are 6 Ways that you can Monetise your Social Community Site.

1. Premium Memberships. 
Using the UNA Paid Levels App and the Permissions App - it is a simple business to create Premium Memberships that have expanded permissions and capabilities within your site. Pages and Groups for Premium Members, or the ability to create more posts, likes or comments - essentially the ability to do more and see more - are easy to setup and manage using these modules. Creating Premium Content and abilities for a small & recurring fee is a great way to monetise your UNA Website.

2. Sell Something! 
The UNA Market App, Snipcart and Shopify Integration give you the power to turn your UNA Community into a 24/7 digital store. Selling digital content, services or hard goods to your community members is a great way to provide value and make profit. Find out what products and/or services that your site members are interested - and sell them, it really is that simple.

Perhaps if your products are unique enough - you will be able to build a community around those products (think UNA.IO) or perhaps it is the other way, you build the community around the interest, and seek something that those people want to buy. You are the boss - the choice is yours.

2. Google Adsense
Not the best ROI - but an easy quick start solution, especially if you have a site with high visitation. Easy to setup just by pasting code into a custom block anywhere on your UNA site.

3. Banner Ads Module
Be your own Google! Selling our own Ads means we don't pay the middle man... You can take at the Banner Ads Module look on the UNA Market here.

4. Promoted Posts
UNA has a Promote Posts feature connected to the Timeline Module - enabling you to push selected posts across all feeds. It is possible to connect this action to a Premium Membership, with a restricted number of actions available to each user. This is more of a workaround, but if would get the results - I'd love to see a more sophisticated advertising module - enable admins to sell this ability through a console. I'm confident that we will see this feature developed soon.

5. Classifieds / Ads Module
Setting up classifieds pages is a great way to turn your UNA site into a trading hub. UNA has recently released a powerful Ads Module, which could be potentially customised into Classifieds Pages, Jobs board or similar. Check out & Download the Ads Module here.

6. Make UNA an Extension of your Existing Business.
The essence of any money making venture is providing value. Building a Social Community Space that is an extension of your existing business model, brings value to your business and is an indirect way of monetising your UNA powered website. By providing your customer a place to connect and interact, engage with your messages and with each other, you are creating a customer community and stimulating repeat business.

Maybe you are an education provider who gives a place for students 👩🏽‍🎓 to learn and interact, or a retailer create a social hub to discuss your products connected to your online store, a hardware business with a social community for DIY enthusiasts... the ideas are limitless.

Cultivate Community, Create Engagement, Reap the Rewards

If you build the community 🏗, the money will come 💸. Before focussing upon getting rich, put your efforts toward building a core membership who are passionate about your Community. Remember that when Facebook started, they waited years, until they had a membership of mega-millions before they began to actively monetise their platform.  
Many monetisation efforts, such as intrusive advertising and paywalls, serve as a blockage to growth.  My advice is usually to focus first upon making your product vital, indispensable, engaging and easy to use.

Don't ignore monetisation efforts, have them clearly in your long term strategy but don't let them distract you from your core focus - which should be about building community.

Any Other Ideas❓
Do you have any further suggestions on how to turn your UNA Social Community into a Money Tree? Please share them in the comments, we would love to know more!

So what are you waiting for? The best way to build an empire is to start with a single click - if you haven't already - launch your UNA Site NOW.
launch your UNA Site NOW

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Comments (15)
    • Make this public and benefit from SEO. 

    • Mark Purser are you able to set post specific SEO or will the keywords entered on the page builder be used for evwry post ? I'm finding it hard to customize my seo keywords for each post using the keyword entry on the page builder. 

      • This is a challenge that has always been neglected, just don't know why.

        • I have posted about meta-keywords and meta-descriptions a few times before - you can customise them, but the make zero difference for the SEO. It has been well over 10 years that Google is ignoring meta tags as a significant SEO indicator. Content, speed, usability and unobstructed linking structure is all that matters. You can find UNA.IO content in Google SERPs with well-structured schema, that Google has figured out all by itself.

          If, however, you try to game search engines by signalling generated kept words, unnatural texts, hidden elements, links rings, etc - you will most definitely get banned, for 6-24 months or permanently. 

          You can use google webmaster tools to monitor indexing and general health of your site in regards to SEO - we are doing it regularly and current state of UNA configuration seems to be in good shape  

          • My SEO solution is to write eloquently and often about the topics you want your potential users to connect with. Make the content interesting and valuable and the search engines will inevitably rate you well. Search Engines have evolved a lot, they are ultimately looking to connect web users with the best content relevant to their search. Create the best content, and it will invariably rise to the top.  I've employed this strategy widely over the last decade, and it has never failed. 

          • 1. If yout community is local. Go with events, makes enough to keep the online operations going. Plus people will be happy to pay. I've hosted 3 events in the past 4 months. Generating an offline community of 300 strong now. 

            2. Newsletter. Using a newsletter builder craft a sweet nuche newsletter with lots of site roundups. In the begining most won't be crawling your site for content. Bring it to them in a newsletter also go with extra stuff, what we're reading section, member features,  businesses whe're nuts about,  industry news, shower thoughts. Make sure its entertaining,  educational and inspiring.  Then after a while offer a premium for the whole newsletter so have a free section that they always get then have a pro section which you tease with an intro. I know newsletters making 8 figures.  Thehustle.co is making over 10 mil a year 

            3. If your site is a niche that a big brand would be interested in reaching. Bury yourself in growth and move for an acquisition or a gloabal sponsor. Think how brands sponsor sport teams. You'll get all your operating costs from one site wide sponsor 

            4. If you don't have a podcast , go out and buy a mic now.... like stop reading and go get it now. Using a raw block and embed code you can create such a native listening experience with comments. So easy if you know your audience you can even just start curating podcasts for them to listen to. Fishing community well, curate podcats around the industry and pick the best episodes.  Do this ahead of the launch of yours so you would have built in the habit of them listening to your podcast playlists.  So now when they think of " hey what should I listen to, they'll come back to your site " . 

            5. Position yourself as an authority within a topic and blog about on your site and become a consultant for said topic. This doesn't scale as well. But you'll be suprised at how many people you can servuce when you're an "expert in something " 

            Join my una pro site for the full list of proven strategies ........ ( see what i did their ... if this was my newsletter , i just hooked you...sign up for > pro here <. 

            I'll post more as I test, what works for me might not work for you but trial error and patience. 

            Pro tip: Forget ads, reach out to people directly and know your first members well. Aim for 50 that you know personally. ( yes this is harder than birthing a baby but you'll be happy with the engagement and conversation that is built on this) 

            Communities take time, so ensure you have a personal schedule that you can maintain for the long run 

          • Yes classifieds are very needed Mark Purser

          • Back in dolphin there was an classifieds and it was very useful

            • Mark, couple of questions

              1] Does UNA support Google Ads configuration out of the Box via any App?  If not how it can be achieved?

              2] Any chance that Majento or Opencart is supported by Una instead of Snipkart or Shopify?

              • Hi Alchemy - it’s easy to insert Google ads onto any page in UNA via Pages App - just create a raw block and place Google code directly in there. 

                We have no plans to create integration Apps for Majento or Opencart - but a developer could create this for you as a custom app. 

              • I just updated this blog with more deets on the UNA Ads Module, which is now released. https://una.io/page/view-product?id=237

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