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UNA 13.1

In UNA 13.1 we are focusing on improving general user experience, server performance and expanding UNA core API for the upcoming release of the new React/ReactNative frontend app.

System Enhancements:

  • Extended core and module API - #4148

The API is extended significantly, providing new endpoints to securely share date with external apps. Over 250 commits dedicated to the API alone, covering everything from core settings, authentication and modules to design, navigation and languages.

  • PUSH/Sockets server integration #4369

The new WebSockets server based on https://soketi.app providing highly performant (under 100ms) message delivery for web socket events. For example in UNA+NEO pairing we use it to update reaction counts in the feed without reloading the page or polling the server. In the Messenger we use it to exchange messages at scale.

  • Service worker & site manifest file settings #4480

Improved site manifest and caching mechanism enabling shipping UNA as a Progressive Web App.

  • Icons for info fields in profile #4389

Support for customisable icons for profile info fields.

The new Connections section with Friends Suggestions, Friends, Friend Requests, Requested Friendship, Who to follow, Followers and Following pages. Actions in cards for each section adapted to the context of the page.

  • Comments: partially hide long comments #4471
  • Counters in connection menu items #4550
  • New setting: to change number of results in profiles search auto-suggestion #4537
  • New setting: viewport metatag value setting in Developer module #4383
  • New setting: number of results count in Live search #4359
  • Meta title in Pages builder separately from page heading #4548
  • Custom placeholder text for empty blocks instead of the default 'Empty' string #4370
  • Custom cover title #4407
  • “Updates” tab in Apps Market in Studio now requires authorization #4464
  • Developer debug mode in header.inc.php #4544
  • Forms: check for unsubmitted data before leaving the page #4442 #4518
  • New placeholder images for different file types #4398
  • Quill editor: clear copy&pasted content from HTML #4349
  • member.php (and other pages with login form) now using "/login" page layout #4381
  • ACL: Use lang key for Price field #4347
  • New UNA badge in bottom menu #4379
  • Removed '#dpr' from URL when site is initially loaded on retina screen #4382
  • Menus: Allow to filter out items depending on context #4340
  • Iframely AP#4335

Modules Enhancements:

  • Accounts: export account language #4552
  • Timeline: New 'Copy to clipboard' item in share menu #4536
  • Timeline: labels field support #4469
  • Timeline: block form submit while media is uploading #4447
  • Timeline: show content with specific media types (audio, video, photo) #4422
  • Timeline: allow to change visibility while editing timeline update #4411
  • Timeline: new 'For you' feed with mixed Account + Hot feed content #4384
  • Timeline: performance optimization #4367
  • Market: Separate pages for each category #4492
  • Notifications: default notification lifetime set ti 3 months with daily pruning #4541
  • Notifications: subjects of email notifications are more descriptive now #4432
  • Groups & Events: "Followed" page #4488
  • Invitations: various enhancements #4543
  • Tasks: profile icons in tasks list #4463
  • Developer: Export/import for builders and settings states #4515

📦 The 31.1 package, update script, cumulative update script and the Spacenook Starter Kit are available for download at https://github.com/unaio/una/releases/tag/13.1.0

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