- · 632 friends

UNA 12 "Antares" Released
Antares is a giant star, and UNA 12 is a massive update. It may well be the last feature release with so many changes, as we are looking to transition to shorter cycles with more focus on improving existing functionality.
What's new in UNA 12 "Antares"
*compared to UNA 11 Altair
A learning-oriented context-type module that can be used to build a knowledge-based community. Members create free or paid courses with start/end time, mixed content and invitation lists. Courses can operate like groups and include multiple content type items and feeds.
A content-type module that compliments Courses, allowing Course admins to create and manage educational content. Courses are grouped into modules, can have mixed-media content, and offer progression links between classes in a module.
The first iteration of the task-management module. You can add tasks to a group, event or course. Tasks are categorised by Tasklists and show due dates on a calendar.
System enhancements
- New Studio GUI - #3073
- Record Video type of uploader - #3081
- Asynchronous blocks with placeholders - #3051 #2896
- Asynchronous badges for menus - #3002
- Custom lists of different contents (instead of favorites) - #2875
- Speed improvements - #3039 #3006
- Location field improvements, integration of non-Google services - #1519
- Pinned comments - #2597
- Rateable form fields - #2991
- Privacy for form fields - #2745
- Nested forms - #2990
- Ability to use any profile field as a replaceable marker in page blocks - #3082
- Sliding menus were changes to menus with "More..." item - #2496
- Templates are less in size and more prune to work upon updates - #3108
- Sticky columns for pages - #2954
- New interface for Labels - #2878
- Previews for PDF files in attachments section - #2859
- Pages/blocks cache issue with additional css/js files is now fixes - #2572
- Ability to clear reports - #3056
- Automatically suspend content after N reports - #3049
- More prune to work reset password functionality - #2995
- 2FA improvements - #2943
- Badges improvement - #2702
- Custom pages now support images for sharing in other networks - #2932
- Ability to use different S3 compatible storages such as Google Cloud Storage, Wasabi and SigV4 support for Amazon S3 Storage - #2952
- Moderator notes - #2764
- Reports functionality for comments - #2649
- Pages builder: default system(hidden) cell for inactive blocks - #2692
- Pages builder: block menu design selector - #2334
- Page builder for site search page - #1785
- Show total number of records in some grids - #2445
- Membership levels: immediate upgrade for infinite user levels - #2777
- Option for default cURL timeout - #3079
- API enhancements (more endpoints) - #3098 #2776 #2634
- Memcached cache can be cleared now - #3078
- Server audit improvements - #3013
- Moderators can't suspend other moderators and admins now - #2975
- MySQL cluster support with read-only nodes - #2950
- Profiles and accounts names can't start with "@" now - #2673
- Build-in bx_file_get_contents function can send JSON POST - #3093
- Design enhancements - #3046
- Install command-line interface enhancements - #3041
Modules enhancements
- Payments: single transaction mode for multiple purchases from different vendors - #2992
- Payments: Apple In-App purchase support - #2941 #2915
- Payments: improvements - #2892
- Files: major redesign and hierarchal structure - #3068
- Forum: different new attachments - #2861
- Posts: audio attachments - #2860
- Group based modules: paid join - #1904
- Group based modules: roles for users in groups - #2973
- Group based modules: ability for group admins to manage(edit/remove) all content in a context - #2843
- Group based modules: regular notification is sent now upon invitation - #2973
- Timeline: ability to mute individual profiles in the feed - #3050
- Timeline: updated cards - #3026
- Timeline: timeline post media editing - #701
- Notifications: possibility to set default value (active or inactive) for users' settings - #2963
- Notifications: possibility in settings to select all with a single click - #2946
- Ads/Posts: smaller images for Timeline cards - #2978
- Content modules: use the first photo as the main photo if the cover photo isn't uploaded - #2966
- Events: Upcoming events - #2790
- Videos: multi-categories - #2774
- Organizations: multi-categories - #2772
- Persons/Organizations: option to not deactivate profiles after edit - #2585
- Decorous: template enhancement - #2951 #2602
- Polls: some empty white space in Timeline card was removed - #2949
- Massmailer: visibility based on ACL - #3069
- Stripe: strong customer authentication - #3040
Over 200 bugs and issues resolved since UNA 11.0.4 and between 12b1 and the final release.
- bx_forum_files storage was renamed to bx_forum_covers, renaming is performed automatically for Local storage, but if you are using remote storage (S3) then renaming have to be performed manually
- · Will Roberts
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Will photos be getting an editing tool addon? I think simplifying already existing Modules, and having better looking UI features possibly with CSS for Menus and Buttons etc would be nice. UNA content on the inside has everything a Social Network needs but on the outside it still looks clunky and static
We are experimenting with a very cool photo editing addon, but it has a paid license, which is often tricky to integrate. Check it out here - https://pqina.nl/doka/
I like it. I want it yesterday.
I really like it! I looked at the pricing and it said that if the subscription expires you still get to keep the editing tool
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Excited to try new learning features. Thank you UNA team.
- · EducatedSingles
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Thank you so much. The speed has improved a lot. So much in fact that we have removed our site from CDN.
concerning learning module.. have you looked into integrating Moodle, one of the most advanced Learning Management Systems, and open source too, of course?-
Great to hear! Yes, we did look at Moodle, and frankly left unimpressed. It is built around Wiki with "somewhat" integrated plugins, which may work well for a tech team configuring a custom LMS installation, but may be overwhelming for a not-so-technical operator. As a result, most Moodle installations are quite messy. I believe we can do better, though they have had a 20-year lead on us. :)
On the other hand, I must admit that Moodle team is undeniably some of the most respected pioneers of LMS software and open-source web software in general.
- · Peter
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Thank You UNA Team!
- · Manuel Cebrian
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Thank a lot UNA Team !
I woul'd like to have juste ONE option / module Andreww : is it possible to make paid members plans onnly for men, and all feature free for women ??
- · srinivas
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not able to find any update at studio . last update feb11 th is it correct? or missing something ?
Sorry, I wasn't very clear. I tried to say that I thought you may have used a Beta-channel update, which received UNA 12 a few days earlier than the production-channel, hence the date discrepancy. It didn't matter though, because just as Mark Purser noted, your 11Feb date is simply the date of the first install, while your version is simply v12.
thank you.
Andrew Boon I tried to post your Twitter post on truvoiz feed but Froala disappeared from the home feed and my profile feed. Its found in spaces, and a few other areas. Can you please help me with this? See pic attached
- · Testing
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Auto-update or manual update is not working, this message appears when I click the "Update" button- "Site will be upgraded within a minute. Don't forget to check for modules updates after that." but after that nothing happens, and it shows the older version with "UNA 12.0.0 is available!" notification.
I tried multiple times and waited hours to get the update but it is still showing the older version.
I don't get any error messages, and there are no errors related to this problem in the server log.
Files and folder permissions are showing OK in the backend.
I'm able to update or install the modules from the backend but not able to update the UNA platform.
My UNA version is 11.0.3.
- · Testing
In reply to Testing
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And one suggestion/request for the awesome developers, it would be great if an error message pops up if there is any cron job related error, something like “update failed due to a cron job error, please set up cron job”.
it might be done for other errors as well 👍
I’ll have to check it in my server settings, I’ll check and get back to you soon.
Ok, here is the cron URL- /periodic/cron.php
- · Cem
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Perfect UNA team thank you all and "Health to your hands and eyes!" ♥️
Has there been a connected update for Una app?
Mark Purser
In reply to Cem
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Hi Cem, Not yet, the app script update is coming soon.
Mark Purser
Ok I’m assessing the update but one thing is my phone app is not working correctly. The profile, add content and notifications buttons are all not working. So far I just tried clearing all the cache and completely closing and restarting the app. Looking for any guidance on resolving this.
- · Jeremy
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Very nicely done. Definitely touched on some great points and needed fixes. Glad to see the forward progress.
- · Victoria
In reply to Jeremy
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Agreed with you, Jeremy. The same here. UNA pleases more and more. Thanks to the developers!
Certainly agree and the UNA Team are good folks and good support. THANKs to ALL. respect.
- · Alex Z
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Thank you Una team! Really excited about the learning modules. Could you tell me how users can set up paid courses for other users? I only was able to find the way for the admin to set up courses for premium level users (just like in Groups)
- · Baloo
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Superb work, the result is more and more impressive. I haven't had time to go around everything yet. Andrew Boon , can you say a little more about asynchronous blocks? I see this option is available on blocks. What are its advantages and disadvantages? Which ones to activate as well?
- · Testing
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Still not able to update from the backend, it is showing "UNA 12.0.0 is available!" with an update button, but it doesn't work! Should I try to update manually by uploading the new version's file? Would someone be kind enough to help?
Thank you! -
- · Testing
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I fixed the problem! the cron was stopped working due to a PHP version change, so I set up the corn again and it updated the UNA to the latest version.
Thanks for the great work!! -
- · กนกวรรณ
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nice, thank you 😍
- · Michael Newton
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The studio changes are fantastic! Watching the progress has been amazing, so many "new" things it's hard to keep up with them!
You guys were so far ahead of Facebook on the layout!
When they made the switch to their new interface it likens to UNA which was first on it. My members noticed it on their profile page.
Great WORK!
- · vidyap
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How do I download this version? why the product page is still not showing up? I recommend you also add Beta releases in the same page ; otherwise people don't get to know how /where to get it from?
In reply to vidyap
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Hello vidyap !
Possible, you already solved it but the UNA core may be downloaded from this page https://una.io/page/download-product?id=86
- · ar0c
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Thank you so much UNA team for all your hard work. Many years ago I started with Dolphin, back in the Stone Age of Boonex. Before that, I had tried many of the other software products out there. From the very moment I stumbled onto Dolphin, I knew it was the answer to my dilemma. After looking around and reading on the Boonex website, I saw that there was an amazing team of people that shared the same passion. I was hooked.
To this day, the same people on that team are still here. Not only is this software THE BEST of its kind, The Team that we the users must communicate with are amazing. I've been in these parts for a very long time, and watched all of this evolve into what it is now, UNA. My biggest thing is my site being mobile friendly, and mobile smooth. UNA is that way beyond my expectations. Proud to be using UNA. Thank you so very much! :)
- · Wesley Upchurch
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I did the upgrade to version 12 and was getting 500 errors everywhere. The homepage wouldn't load and some of the apps in studio wouldn't open. I was able to resolve this by switching the php version back to 7.2. This seems to have fixed the issues. I had to switch the php version to 5.6 to get the upgrade to run. Maybe, this information will help others.
- · brentsu
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Hello UNA
Where can I download the entire UNA 12 or 13? Including albums, photos, forums, blogs... to study how to upgrade from Dolphin to UNA?
I have a PREMIUM license for dolphins,
This downloaded here does not have any Apps...