Getting Started








The Accounts app allows you to view, add, manage, and export user accounts. While some account management tools are accessible through the user interface, the Accounts app facilitates access to accounts with or without profiles and offers tools that might be unavailable or disabled in the user interface apps.

All registered users have accounts, even if the Accounts app is not installed. The Accounts app's purpose is to provide an interface for managing accounts. Removing the Accounts app does not affect user accounts.

Manage Accounts

The Manage Accounts grid is a principal feature of the Accounts app, visible both in Studio at /studio/module.php?name=bx_accounts and in the frontend at /accounts-administration.

IMPORTANT: In the frontend, the Accounts page is typically set to be visible only to Admins and Moderators. It is crucial to ensure that page visibility is not altered to allow access to membership levels unauthorized to view account data.

The app also introduces a report card to the Manager block in Dashboards, utilized by admins and moderators.



  • Statuses - Filter accounts by status, including Active, Pending, Suspended, Unconfirmed, Locked, and Without Profile. Each status can be individually configured in the Permissions builder.
  • Operators - Filter accounts by choosing to show Operators only.
  • Search - Search for accounts by name or email. Begin typing to filter the grid results.
  • Name - Account names
  • Email - Email addresses associated with the account, which can be edited.
  • Confirmed - Confirmation method used during registration, which can be Email or Phone Number.
  • Profiles - An account may have zero, one, or multiple profiles. Links to profiles associated with an account are displayed in the grid. Profiles may be provided by different apps, such as People and Organisations.
  • Last Logged - The relative time when the latest authentication session for each account began.
  • Last Active - The relative time of the last activity performed by the account, which can be a Page request or an Action.
  • Created - The relative time of account registration.

Global Actions

  • Add New - Manually add accounts by providing a name, email, and a password for each. You can opt to select "email confirmed". Typically, it's better to let accounts confirm their emails independently. If "Email Confirmed" is not selected upon account addition, the account will be created with an "Unconfirmed" status, and a confirmation email will be sent to the provided address.
  • Export All - A quick export tool generates a CSV or XML file with all account information. You can select the information to include in the export file and the export format to use in Accounts > Settings (/studio/module.php?name=bx_accounts&page=settings).

Individual Actions

These actions can be executed for each account individually from the "Actions" menu in each account or in bulk by selecting the first checkbox in the grid and using the action button at the bottom of the grid.

  • Active toggle - When the Active toggle is OFF, the account becomes Suspended. You can configure actions available to Suspended accounts in the Permissions Builder.
  • Edit Email - Change the email address and choose whether it is opted in for site updates and newsletters.
  • Resend Confirmation - Send a confirmation letter to the provided email.
  • Reset Password - Reset and generate a new password for the account.
  • Resend Reset Password - Send the newly generated password to the user's email.
  • Delete - Delete the account. When an account is deleted, all associated personal profiles are also deleted. All associated Organisation profiles created by the account are deleted unless other accounts are registered as owners too. Content such as Posts, Comments, and Reactions is not deleted but is attributed to "Unknown".
  • Delete With Content - Delete the account along with all associated content. All profiles where the account is the sole owner, and all comments, posts, reactions, and files added under those profiles will be deleted. This action may take a few minutes to complete if the account has a lot of content.
  • Set Operator Role - Assigns operator status to the account. Operator roles can be configured in the Roles builder.


Accounts is a Core App, typically pre-installed in a Starter Kit. If it is not installed on your instance, follow the Adding Apps Guide to download, install, and activate the Accounts App.