Getting Started







Installation Guide

This document provides a step-by-step guide on how to install UNA Community Software on your hosting server. Following these instructions will ensure a smooth installation process.

Pre-installation Requirements

Before you begin, ensure your hosting environment meets UNA's system and software requirements.

Ensure you have FTP client software (e.g., Transmit, Cyberduck, WinSCP, or FileZilla) for file transfer and know your hosting server's FTP login details.

Installation Steps

Step 1: Download

  1. Download the latest UNA package .zip archive.
  2. Unzip the package. Your computer may do this automatically.

Step 2: Upload to Hosting Server

  1. Using your FTP client, connect to your hosting server.
  2. Navigate to the public_html folder.
  3. Upload the contents of the unzipped UNA folder to public_html.
    • Note: If installing in a subfolder (e.g.,, create and upload to the subfolder instead.
    • Ensure you transfer the .htaccess file, as it may be hidden in some systems.
    • For Nginx servers, special rewrite rules apply

Step 3: Installation

  1. Open your site URL in a web browser. The installation page should automatically open.
  2. Optional: Perform a server audit to check for compatibility and setting issues.
  3. Permissions: Follow the on-screen instructions to set correct file and folder permissions.
    • Only change permissions for those specified by the installation script.
    • ffmpeg.exe (in plugins/ffmpeg/) should be set to executable (755).
    • For Starter Kits, make the storage folder and its contents writable (777 for folders, 666 for files).
  4. Site Configuration:
    • Site Paths: Default settings are typically fine unless advised by your hosting provider.
    • Database Config: Create an SQL database and enter its name, username, and password.
    • Site Info: Choose a site name, admin email, and admin password.
    • Key and Secret: Obtain these from your UNA account for updates and app installations.
    • Modules: Select the default language and template. These can be changed later.
  5. Click "Submit" to finalize the installation.

Step 4: Finish

  1. Set up a cron job command as instructed by the installation wizard. Your hosting provider can assist with this.
  2. Delete the install folder using your FTP client for security.
  3. Access UNA Studio ( with your admin credentials to begin configuring your site.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed UNA CMS.