Getting Started







'account', 'account_name' - hook on get account display name

  • $unit_name - equals account
  • $action - equals account_name
  • $object_id - account id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • info - [array] contains account info from $oAccount->getInfo()
    • display_name - [string] by ref, account display name, can be overridden in hook processing

'account', 'add_form' - hook in some account form after check

  • $unit_name - equals account
  • $action - equals add_form
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • form_object - [object] by ref, form object, can be overridden in hook processing
    • form_code - [string] by ref, html for form, can be overridden in hook processing

'account', 'add_form_check' - hook in some account form after check

  • $unit_name - equals account
  • $action - equals add_form_check
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • form_object - [object] by ref, form object, can be overridden in hook processing

'account', 'add_form_get' - hook in get some account form

  • $unit_name - equals account
  • $action - equals add_form_get
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • form_object - [object] by ref, form object, can be overridden in hook processing

'account', 'added' - hook on new account created

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals added
  • $object_id - account id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - not used

'account', 'after_email_confirmation' - hook after email confirmed

  • $unit_name - equals account
  • $action - equals after_email_confirmation
  • $object_id - account id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • override_result - [string] by ref, url for redirect after email confirmed, can be overridden in hook processing

'profile', 'allow_create_another_profile' - hook on check allow create profile

  • $unit_name - equals profile
  • $action - equals allow_create_another_profile
  • $object_id - profile id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • override_result - [bool] by ref, if allow create another profile = true, otherwise = false, can be overridden in hook processing

'account', 'before_2fa_send_sms' - hook after user performed login

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals before_2fa_send_sms
  • $object_id - account id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • phone_number - [array] contains account info from $oAccount->getInfo()
    • sms_text - [string] the password entered by the user
    • override_result - [string] the password after encription, to save in db

'account', 'before_confirm_phone_send_sms' - hook in confirm phone

  • $unit_name - equals account
  • $action - equals before_confirm_phone_send_sms
  • $object_id - account id
  • $sender_id - logged profile_id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • phone_number - [string] by ref, phone number to send sms, can be overridden in hook processing
    • sms_text - [string] by ref, text for sms, can be overridden in hook processing
    • override_result - [mixed] by ref, can be object, can be overridden in hook processing

'account', 'before_delete' - hook on before delete account,

  • $unit_name - equals account
  • $action - equals before_delete
  • $object_id - account id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • delete_with_content - [bool] if account will delete with content = true, otherwise = false
    • stop_deletion - [bool] by ref, if it set to true account deletion will stopped, can be overridden in hook processing

'account', 'before_forgot_password_send_sms' - hook in $oAccount->isConfirmed check

  • $unit_name - equals account
  • $action - equals before_forgot_password_send_sms
  • $object_id - account id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • phone_number - [string] by ref, phone number to send sms, can be overridden in hook processing
    • sms_text - [string] by ref, text for sms, can be overridden in hook processing
    • override_result - [mixed] by ref, can be object, can be overridden in hook processing

'account', 'before_switch_context' - hook before switch profile_id frof current logged user

  • $unit_name - equals account
  • $action - equals before_switch_context
  • $object_id - account id
  • $sender_id - profile_id to switch to
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • profile_id_current - [int] current profile_id
    • override_result - [int] by ref, profile_id to switch to, can be overridden in hook processing

'account', 'change_receive_news' - hook after change receive_news parameter for account

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals change_receive_news
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • account_id - [int] account id
    • old_value - [bool] old value for receive_news parameter
    • new_value - [bool] new value for receive_news parameter
    • email - [string] account's email

'account', 'check_join' - hook to check email address for spam

  • $unit_name - equals account
  • $action - equals check_join
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • error_msg - [string] by ref, error message, can be overridden in hook processing
    • email - [string] email address to check
    • approve - [boolean] by ref, pending approval status for created profile, can be overridden in hook processing

'account', 'check_login' - hook after user's login/password check

  • $unit_name - equals account
  • $action - equals check_login
  • $object_id - account id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • error_msg - [string] by ref, contains string with error description, can be overridden in hook processing

'account', 'check_switch_context' - hook on switch profile

  • $unit_name - equals account
  • $action - equals check_switch_context
  • $object_id - account id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • switch_to_profile - [int] profile_id for switched profile
    • viewer_account - [int] profile_id for viewer profile
    • override_result - [bool] by ref, if allow to switch to profile = true, otherwise false, can be overridden in hook processing

'account', 'confirm' - hook in email confirmation $oAccount->updateEmailConfirmed

  • $unit_name - equals account
  • $action - can be confirm/unconfirm
  • $object_id - account id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - not used

'account', 'delete' - hook on after delete account

  • $unit_name - equals account
  • $action - equals delete
  • $object_id - account id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • delete_with_content - [bool] if account will delete with content = true, otherwise = false

'account', 'edited' - hook on account edited $oAccount->updatePassword

  • $unit_name - equals account
  • $action - equals edited
  • $object_id - account id
  • $sender_id - account sender id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • action - [string] action's name, can be reset_password

'account', 'encrypt_password_after' - hook after user performed login

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals encrypt_password_after
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • info - [array] contains account info from $oAccount->getInfo()
    • pwd - [string] the password entered by the user
    • password - [string] the password after encription, to save in db

'account', 'get_limit_profiles_number' - hook on get account limit on the number of profiles

  • $unit_name - equals account
  • $action - equals get_limit_profiles_number
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • account_id - [int] account id
    • number - [int] by ref, account limit on the number of profiles, can be overridden in hook processing

'account', 'is_confirmed' - hook in $oAccount->isConfirmed check

  • $unit_name - equals account
  • $action - equals is_confirmed
  • $object_id - account id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • type - [string] confirmation type can be none/phone/email/email_and_phone/email_or_phone
    • override_result - [bool] by ref, if account confirmed = true, otherwise false, can be overridden in hook processing

'account', 'is_confirmed_phone' - hook in $oAccount->isConfirmedPhone check

  • $unit_name - equals account
  • $action - equals is_confirmed_phone
  • $object_id - account id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • override_result - [bool] by ref, if phone confirmed = true, otherwise false, can be overridden in hook processing

'account', 'is_need_to_change_password' - hook on after delete account

  • $unit_name - equals account
  • $action - equals is_need_to_change_password
  • $object_id - account id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • override_result - [bool] by ref, if Need Redirect To Change Password = true, otherwise = false, can be overridden in hook processing

'account', 'logged' - hook after user performed logged

  • $unit_name - equals account
  • $action - equals logged
  • $object_id - account id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - not used

'account', 'login' - hook after user performed login

  • $unit_name - equals account
  • $action - equals login
  • $object_id - account id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - not used

'account', 'login_after' - hook on after login to rewrite url for redirect after login

  • $unit_name - equals account
  • $action - equals login_after
  • $object_id - account id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • account - [array] contains account info from $oAccount->getInfo()
    • url_relocate - [string] by ref, rl for redirect after login, can be overridden in hook processing

'account', 'logout' - hook after user performed logout

  • $unit_name - equals account
  • $action - equals logout
  • $object_id - account id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - not used

'account', 'set_phone' - hook after accout password changed

  • $unit_name - equals account
  • $action - equals set_phone
  • $object_id - account id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - not used

'account', 'switch_context' - hook before switch profile_id frof current logged user

  • $unit_name - equals account
  • $action - equals switch_context
  • $object_id - account id
  • $sender_id - profile_id to switch to
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • profile_id_old - [int] old profile_id

'bx_ads', 'doInterest' - hook after 'interested' action was performed

  • $unit_name - equals bx_ads
  • $action - equals doInterest
  • $object_id - content id
  • $sender_id - profile id who performed the action
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • subobject_id - [int] id of a database table record, created during the action
    • subobject_author_id - [int] profile id who performed the action
    • object_author_id - [int] content author profile id

'bx_ads', 'is_entry_active' - hook to override whether an ad (entry) active or not

It's equivalent to ['{module_name}', 'is_entry_active' - hook to override whether an entry (wiki/alerts-hooks#hook-bx_base_general-is_entry_active)

'bx_ads', 'license_register' - hook after the payment for an ad was processed with payment processing module

  • $unit_name - equals bx_ads
  • $action - equals license_register
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • id - [int] commodity id
    • type - [string] commodity type, 'product' or 'promotion'
    • product_id - [int] ad (entry) id the commodity is associated with
    • profile_id - [int] client (buyer) profile id
    • order - [string] order number provided with payment processing module
    • license - [string] license number generated for the order
    • count - [int] number of items in order

'bx_ads', 'license_register_notif' - hook before sending a notification about new license. Allows to override a notification message or cancel the notification

  • $unit_name - equals bx_ads
  • $action - equals license_register_notif
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • entry_id - [int] ad (entry) id
    • order - [string] order number
    • recipient_id - [int] by ref, client (buyer) profile id, can be overridden in hook processing
    • email_template - [string] by ref, email template name, can be overridden in hook processing
    • email_params - [array] by ref, email params array as key&value pairs, which will be parsed in email subject/body, can be overridden in hook processing
    • cancel - [boolean] by ref, if email sending should be canceled or not, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_ads', 'license_unregister' - hook after the payment for ad was refunded with payment processing module

It's equivalent to 'bx_ads', 'license_register' - hook after the payment for an ad was processed with payment processing module

'bx_ads', 'offer_accepted' - hook after an offer was accepted.

It's equivalent to 'bx_ads', 'offer_added' - hook after an offer was added. Allows to override action results. except content author profile id is passed to $sender_id and override_result parameter in $extra_params is missing

'bx_ads', 'offer_added' - hook after an offer was added. Allows to override action results.

  • $unit_name - equals bx_ads
  • $action - equals offer_added
  • $object_id - offer id
  • $sender_id - offer author profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object_id - [int] content id
    • object_author_id - [int] content author profile id
    • offer_id - [int] offer id
    • offer_author_id - [int] offer author profile id
    • privacy_view - [int] privacy for view action, equals to BX_DOL_PG_ALL,
      See also
    • override_result - [array] by ref, results array as key&value pairs, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_ads', 'offer_canceled' - hook after an offer was declined.

It's equivalent to 'bx_ads', 'offer_added' - hook after an offer was added. Allows to override action results. except override_result parameter in $extra_params is missing

'bx_ads', 'offer_declined' - hook after an offer was declined.

It's equivalent to 'bx_ads', 'offer_accepted' - hook after an offer was accepted.

'bx_ads', 'order_authorize' - hook after the order was authorized with payment processing module

  • $unit_name - equals bx_ads
  • $action - equals order_authorize
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • id - [int] commodity id
    • type - [string] commodity type, 'product' or 'promotion'
    • product_id - [int] ad (entry) id the commodity is associated with
    • order - [string] order number provided with payment processing module
    • count - [int] number of items in order

'bx_ads', 'promotion_register' - hook after the payment for promotion was processed with payment processing module

  • $unit_name - equals bx_ads
  • $action - equals promotion_register
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • id - [int] commodity id
    • type - [string] commodity type, 'product' or 'promotion'
    • product_id - [int] ad (entry) id the commodity is associated with
    • profile_id - [int] client (buyer) profile id
    • amount - [float] amount paid for the promotion
    • order - [string] order number provided with payment processing module
    • license - [string] license number generated for the order

'bx_ads', 'promotion_unregister' - hook after the payment for promotion was refunded with payment processing module

It's equivalent to 'bx_ads', 'promotion_register' - hook after the payment for promotion was processed with payment processing module

'bx_ads', 'received' - hook after the ad (entry) was marked as received

It's equivalent to 'bx_ads', 'shipped' - hook after the ad (entry) was marked as shipped

'bx_ads', 'shipped' - hook after the ad (entry) was marked as shipped

  • $unit_name - equals bx_ads
  • $action - equals shipped
  • $object_id - ad (entry) id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • status - [string] content status
    • status_admin - [string] content admin status
    • privacy_view - [int] or [string] privacy for view content action,
      See also
    • cf - [int] content's audience filter value
    • profile_src - [int] sender profile id
    • profile_dst - [int] recipient profile id
    • offer_id - [int] offer id if the ad was sold by offer

'bx_ads', 'sold' - hook after the payment was processed with payment processing module and there is no the ad (entry) for selling anymore

  • $unit_name - equals bx_ads
  • $action - equals sold
  • $object_id - ad (entry) id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • status - [string] content status
    • status_admin - [string] content admin status
    • privacy_view - [int] or [string] privacy for view content action,
      See also
    • cf - [int] content's audience filter value

'bx_albums', 'media_added' - hook on new media added in album

  • $unit_name - equals bx_albums
  • $action - equals media_added
  • $object_id - album_id
  • $sender_id - author's profile_id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object_author_id - [int] confirmation type can be none/phone/email/email_and_phone/email_or_phone
    • subobject_id - [int] id for added media
    • media_id - [int] id for added media
    • media_info - [array] media info

'bx_albums', 'media_deleted' - hook on new media deleted from album

  • $unit_name - equals bx_albums
  • $action - equals media_deleted
  • $object_id - album_id
  • $sender_id - author's profile_id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object_author_id - [int] confirmation type can be none/phone/email/email_and_phone/email_or_phone
    • subobject_id - [int] id for added media
    • media_id - [int] id for added media
    • media_info - [array] media info

'bx_albums', 'medias_added' - hook on new medias added in album

  • $unit_name - equals bx_albums
  • $action - equals medias_added
  • $object_id - album_id
  • $sender_id - author's profile_id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object_author_id - [int] confirmation type can be none/phone/email/email_and_phone/email_or_phone
    • subobjects_ids - [array] array of ids for added media's
    • medias_added - [array] array of ids for added media's
    • privacy_view - [string] privacy view value for current album
    • cf - [int] content filter id

'bx_analytics', 'get_modules' - hook on get modules list with avalaible analytics

  • $unit_name - equals get_modules
  • $action - equals get_modules
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id -not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • list - [array] by ref, array of modules for analytics as [module_name] = module_title, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_analytics', 'get_reports' - hook on get avalaible reports for specified module

  • $unit_name - equals bx_analytics
  • $action - equals get_reports
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id -not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • module - [string] module name
    • list - [array] by ref, array of avalaible reports for analytics as [report_name] = report_title, can be overridden in hook processing

'{module_name}', 'fields_converted' - hook before a profile was created, which allows to modify account and/or profile fields before creation

  • $unit_name - module name
  • $action - equals fields_converted
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • override_profile_fields - [array] by ref, profile fields, can be overridden in hook processing
    • override_account_fields - [array] by ref, account fields, can be overridden in hook processing
    • remote_profile_info - [array] array with remote profile info

'{module_name}', 'profile_created' - hook after a profile was created

  • $unit_name - module name
  • $action - equals profile_created
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • override_result - [string] or [array] by ref, result of profile creation, can be overridden in hook processing. If string then show error, if array with join_page_redirect key then show Create Account page, if array with profile_id key then redirect to profile page
    • remote_profile_info - [array] array with remote profile info

'{module_name}', 'approved' - hook when module content has been approved

  • $unit_name - module name
  • $action - equals approved
  • $object_id - content id
  • $sender_id - not used, always false
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • source - [string] uniq string for particular content in the following format {module}_{content}
    • object_author_id - [int] content author profile id

'{module_name}', 'decode_data_api' - hook to override content data prepared for sending in API response

It's equivalent to 'system', 'decode_data_api' - hook to override content data prepared for sending in API response

'{module_name}', 'deleted' - hook after content was deleted

  • $unit_name - module name
  • $action - equals deleted
  • $object_id - content id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • content - [array] by ref, content info array as key&value pairs, can be overridden in hook processing

'{module_name}', 'failed' - hook after content creation when publishing was failed

  • $unit_name - module name
  • $action - equals failed
  • $object_id - content id
  • $sender_id - content author profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object_author_id - [int] content author profile id

'{module_name}', 'get_approve_form' - hook to override approve content form

  • $unit_name - module name
  • $action - equals get_approve_form
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • content_id - [int] content id
    • content_info - [array] content info array as key&value pairs
    • override_result - [object] by ref, an instance of approve content form,
      See also
      BxDolForm, can be overridden in hook processing

'{module_name}', 'get_approve_form' - hook to override approve content message

  • $unit_name - module name
  • $action - equals get_approve_message
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • content_id - [int] content id
    • content_info - [array] content info array as key&value pairs
    • form - [object] an instance of approve content form
    • email_template - [string] by ref, email template name,
      See also
      BxDolEmailTemplates, can be overridden in hook processing
    • email_params - [array] by ref, email template params, can be overridden in hook processing

'{module_name}', 'get_cnf' - hook to override module's configuration array

  • $unit_name - module name
  • $action - equals get_cnf
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • override_result - [array] by ref, module's configuration array, can be overridden in hook processing

'{module_name}', 'is_entry_active' - hook to override whether an entry (content) active or not

  • $unit_name - module name
  • $action - equals is_entry_active
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • viewer_id - [int] viewer profile id
    • is_moderator - [boolean] is viewer has moderator status or not
    • content_info - [array] content info array as key&value pairs
    • override_result - [boolean] by ref, boolean value which determines whether entry (content) active or not, can be overridden in hook processing

'{module_name}', 'is_entry_author' - hook to check if a viewer is an author of viewed entry (content) or not

  • $unit_name - module name
  • $action - equals is_entry_author
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • viewer_id - [int] viewer profile id
    • content_info - [array] content info array as key&value pairs
    • override_result - [boolean] by ref, boolean value which determines whether the viewer is an author of viewed entry (content) or not, can be overridden in hook processing

'{module_name}', 'menu_custom_item' - hook to override menu item

  • $unit_name - module name
  • $action - equals menu_custom_item
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • res - [string] by ref, menu item code, can be overridden in hook processing
    • menu - [string] menu name
    • menu_object - [object] an instance of menu,
      See also
    • item - [array] menu item array as key&value pairs
    • module - [string] module name
    • content_id - [int] content id
    • content_data - [array] content info array as key&value pairs

'{module_name}', 'pending_approval' - hook to notify admins/moderators about new pending approval content

  • $unit_name - module name
  • $action - equals pending_approval
  • $object_id - content id
  • $sender_id - content author profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object_author_id - [int] admin/moderator profile id

'{module_name}', 'publish_failed' - hook to notify about failed content publishing

  • $unit_name - module name
  • $action - equals publish_failed
  • $object_id - content id
  • $sender_id - system bot profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object_author_id - [int] content author profile id
    • privacy_view - [int] privacy for view action, equals to BX_DOL_PG_ALL,
      See also

'{module_name}', 'publish_succeeded' - hook to notify about successfully published content

  • $unit_name - module name
  • $action - equals publish_succeeded
  • $object_id - content id
  • $sender_id - system bot profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object_author_id - [int] content author profile id
    • privacy_view - [int] privacy for view action, equals to BX_DOL_PG_ALL,
      See also

'{module_name}', 'redirect_after_add' - hook to override redirect URL which is used after content creation

  • $unit_name - module name
  • $action - equals redirect_after_add
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • ajax_mode - [boolean] dynamic loading is used or not
    • content - [array] content info array as key&value pairs
    • override_result - [string] by ref, redirect URL, can be overridden in hook processing

'{module_name}', 'redirect_after_delete' - hook to override redirect URL which is used after content deletion

It's equivalent to '{module_name}', 'redirect_after_add' - hook to override redirect URL which is used after content creation except markers parameter was added to $extra_params. It allows to override an array of markers, which can be parsed in URL.

'{module_name}', 'added' - hook after context was added (published)

  • $unit_name - module name
  • $action - equals added
  • $object_id - context id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • status - [string] context status
    • status_admin - [string] context admin status
    • privacy_view - [int] or [string] privacy for view context action,
      See also
    • cf - [int] context's audience filter value

'{module_name}', 'context_cover_changed' - hook after context cover was changed

It's equivalent to '{module_name}', 'context_picture_changed' - hook after context picture was changed

'{module_name}', 'context_picture_changed' - hook after context picture was changed

  • $unit_name - module name
  • $action - equals context_picture_changed
  • $object_id - context id
  • $sender_id - profile id who performed the action
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • status - [string] context status
    • status_admin - [string] context admin status
    • privacy_view - [int] or [string] privacy for view context action,
      See also
    • cf - [int] context's audience filter value

'{module_name}', 'deferred' - hook after context was added with pending approval status

It's equivalent to '{module_name}', 'added' - hook after context was added (published)

'{module_name}', 'fan_added' - hook before adding (registering) new context member

It's equivalent to '{module_name}', 'join_request' - hook before adding new join to context request

'{module_name}', 'join_invitation' - hook before adding (sending) new join to context invitation

  • $unit_name - module name
  • $action - equals join_invitation
  • $object_id - context id
  • $sender_id - context profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • content - [array] context info array as key&value pairs
    • entry_title - [string] context title
    • entry_url - [string] context URL
    • group_profile - [int] context profile id
    • profile - [int] profile id who was invited
    • notification_subobject_id - [int] profile id who was invited
    • object_author_id - [int] context profile id

'{module_name}', 'join_invitation_notif' - hook before adding new join to context invitation. Is needed for Notifications module.

  • $unit_name - module name
  • $action - equals join_invitation_notif
  • $object_id - context id
  • $sender_id - context profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object_author_id - [int] profile id who was invited
    • privacy_view - [int] or [string] privacy for view context action,
      See also

'{module_name}', 'join_request' - hook before adding new join to context request

  • $unit_name - module name
  • $action - equals join_request
  • $object_id - context id
  • $sender_id - context profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object_author_id - [int] context profile id
    • performer_id - [int] profile id who wants to join
    • content - [array] context info array as key&value pairs
    • entry_title - [string] context title
    • entry_url - [string] context URL
    • group_profile - [int] context profile id
    • profile - [int] profile id who wants to join

'{module_name}', 'join_request_accepted' - hook before accepting join to context request

It's equivalent to '{module_name}', 'join_request' - hook before adding new join to context request

'{module_name}', 'redirect_after_edit' - hook to override redirect URL which is used after content changing

It's equivalent to '{module_name}', 'redirect_after_edit' - hook to override redirect URL which is used after content changing

'{module_name}', 'set_role' - hook after 'set role' action was applied to context member

  • $unit_name - module name
  • $action - equals set_role
  • $object_id - context id
  • $sender_id - context profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object_author_id - [int] context profile id
    • performer_id - [int] performer profile id
    • fan_id - [int] context member profile id
    • content - [array] context info array as key&value pairs
    • role - [int] or [array] role or an array of roles to be set
    • group_profile - [int] context profile id
    • profile - [int] performer profile id

'{payment_module_name}', '{payment_action}' - hook after some payment related action happened

It's equivalent to 'system', '{payment_action}' - hook after some payment related action happened except module parameter in $extra_params is missing

'{module_name}', 'added' - hook after profile was added

  • $unit_name - module name
  • $action - equals added
  • $object_id - profile content id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • status - [string] context status
    • status_admin - [string] context admin status
    • privacy_view - [int] or [string] privacy for view context action,
      See also

'{module_name}', 'comment_post_allowed' - hook to override the result of checking whether comment posting action allowed or not

  • $unit_name - module name
  • $action - equals comment_post_allowed
  • $object_id - content id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • check_result - [boolean] by ref, check action result, can be overridden in hook processing.

'{module_name}', 'edited' - hook after profile was changed

It's equivalent to '{module_name}', 'added' - hook after profile was added

'{module_name}', 'prepare_fields' - hook to override prepared profile fields

  • $unit_name - module name
  • $action - equals prepare_fields
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • fields_orig - [array] original fields array as key&value pairs
    • fields_result - [array] by ref, resulting fields array as key&value pairs, can be overridden in hook processing

'{module_name}', 'profile_cover_changed' - hook after profile cover was changed

It's equivalent to '{module_name}', 'profile_picture_changed' - hook after profile picture was changed

'{module_name}', 'profile_cover_deleted' - hook after profile cover was deleted

  • $unit_name - module name
  • $action - equals profile_cover_deleted
  • $object_id - context id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - not used

'{module_name}', 'profile_name' - hook to override profile display name

  • $unit_name - module name
  • $action - equals profile_name
  • $object_id - profile id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • info - [array] profile info array as key&value pairs
    • display_name - [string] by ref, profile display name, can be overridden in hook processing

'{module_name}', 'profile_picture_changed' - hook after profile picture was changed

  • $unit_name - module name
  • $action - equals profile_picture_changed
  • $object_id - image id
  • $sender_id - profile id who performed the action
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object_author_id - [int] profile id
    • content - [int] profile content id
    • field - [string] field name

'{module_name}', 'profile_picture_deleted' - hook after profile picture was deleted

  • $unit_name - module name
  • $action - equals profile_picture_deleted
  • $object_id - context id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - not used

'{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_delete' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'delete' action is allowed or not

It's equivalent to '{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_post' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'post in profile' action is allowed or not

'{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_edit' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'edit' action is allowed or not

It's equivalent to '{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_post' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'post in profile' action is allowed or not

'{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_pin' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'pin' action is allowed or not

It's equivalent to '{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_post' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'post in profile' action is allowed or not

'{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_post' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'post in profile' action is allowed or not

  • $unit_name - profile module name
  • $action - equals timeline_post
  • $object_id - timeline owner profile id
  • $sender_id - performer profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • check_result - [array] by ref, check action result, can be overridden in hook processing.

'{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_promote' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'promote' action is allowed or not

It's equivalent to '{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_post' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'post in profile' action is allowed or not

'{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_reaction' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'give reaction vote' action is allowed or not

It's equivalent to '{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_view_counter' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'view counter' action is allowed or not

'{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_reaction_view' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'view reactions' action is allowed or not

It's equivalent to '{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_view_counter' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'view counter' action is allowed or not

'{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_report' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'give score vote' action is allowed or not

It's equivalent to '{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_view_counter' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'view counter' action is allowed or not

'{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_repost' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'repost' action is allowed or not

It's equivalent to '{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_post' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'post in profile' action is allowed or not

'{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_score' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'give score vote' action is allowed or not

It's equivalent to '{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_view_counter' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'view counter' action is allowed or not

'{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_send' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'send' action is allowed or not

It's equivalent to '{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_post' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'post in profile' action is allowed or not

'{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_stick' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'stick' action is allowed or not

It's equivalent to '{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_post' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'post in profile' action is allowed or not

'{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_view' - hook to override view timeline block

  • $unit_name - profile module name
  • $action - equals timeline_view
  • $object_id - timeline owner profile id
  • $sender_id - currently logged in profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • params - [array] browsing params array as key&value pairs
    • menu - [array] block submenu items array
    • override_content - [string] by ref, block content, can be overridden in hook processing

'{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_view_counter' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'view counter' action is allowed or not

  • $unit_name - profile module name
  • $action - equals timeline_view_counter
  • $object_id - timeline owner profile id
  • $sender_id - performer profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • result - [boolean] by ref, check action result, can be overridden in hook processing.

'{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_vote' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'vote' action is allowed or not

It's equivalent to '{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_view_counter' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'view counter' action is allowed or not

'{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_vote_view' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'vote' action is allowed or not

It's equivalent to '{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_view_counter' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'view counter' action is allowed or not

'{module_name}', 'unit' - hook to override profile browsing unit

It's equivalent to 'profile', 'unit' - hook to override profile browsing unit

'{module_name}', 'added' - hook after content was added (published)

  • $unit_name - module name
  • $action - equals added
  • $object_id - content id
  • $sender_id - content author profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • status - [string] content status
    • status_admin - [string] content admin status
    • privacy_view - [int] or [string] privacy for view content action,
      See also
    • cf - [int] content's audience filter value

'{module_name}', 'deferred' - hook after content was added with pending approval status

It's equivalent to '{module_name}', 'added' - hook after content was added (published)

'{module_name}', 'edited' - hook after content was changed

It's equivalent to '{module_name}', 'added' - hook after content was added (published)

'{module_name}', 'unit' - hook to override content browsing unit

  • $unit_name - module name
  • $action - equals unit
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • data - [array] content info array as key&value pairs
    • check_private_content - [boolean] check if it's a provate content
    • template - [string] or [array] with template for content unit
    • params - [array] additional params array as key&value pairs
    • tmpl_name - [string] by ref, template name, can be overridden in hook processing
    • tmpl_vars - [array] by ref, template parsable variables as key&value pairs, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_channels', 'hashtag_added' - hook on found hashtag in content

  • $unit_name - equals bx_channels
  • $action - equals hashtag_added
  • $object_id - content_id in channel
  • $sender_id - channel profile_id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object_author_id - [int] profile_id for content's author
    • privacy_view - [string] equal - channel_profile_id
    • subobject_id - [int] content_id in channel
    • content_module - [string] module name for content
    • content_id - [int] content_id
    • content_author_id - [int] equal with object_author_id
    • timeline_group - [array] parameters for group event in timeline ['by' => $sModuleName . '_' . $iAuthorId . '_' . $iContentId, 'field' => 'owner_id']

'bx_channels', 'hashtag_added_notif' - hook on after found hashtag in content

  • $unit_name - equals bx_channels
  • $action - equals hashtag_added_notif
  • $object_id - channel id
  • $sender_id - channel profile_id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object_author_id - [int] profile_id for content's author
    • privacy_view - [string] equal - channel_profile_id
    • subobject_id - [int] content_id in channel
    • content_module - [string] module name for content
    • content_id - [int] content_id
    • content_author_id - [int] equal with object_author_id

'bx_channels', 'hashtag_deleted' - hook on before delete content from channel

  • $unit_name - equals bx_channels
  • $action - equals hashtag_deleted
  • $object_id - content id in channel
  • $sender_id - channel profile_id

'bx_channels', 'hashtag_deleted_notif' - hook on before delete content from channel

  • $unit_name - equals bx_channels
  • $action - equals hashtag_deleted_notif
  • $object_id - channel id
  • $sender_id - channel profile_id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • subobject_id - [int] content id in channel

'bx_convos', 'deleted' - hook on delete conversation

  • $unit_name - equals bx_convos
  • $action - equals deleted
  • $object_id - conversation id

'bx_credits', 'checkout' - hook after checkout with creadits was performed

  • $unit_name - equals bx_credits
  • $action - equals checkout
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • seller - [int] seller profile id
    • buyer - [int] buyer profile id
    • amount - [float] amount was paid
    • order - [string] order number for processed checkout action

'bx_credits', 'granted' - hook after some amount of credits was granted to a profile

  • $unit_name - equals bx_credits
  • $action - equals granted
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • profile - [int] recipient profile id
    • amount - [float] amount was granted

'bx_credits', 'order_prolong' - hook isn't currently used because 'single' type payments for bundles are only supported

It's equivalent to 'bx_credits', 'order_register' - hook after the payment for a bundle of credits was processed with payment processing module

'bx_credits', 'order_register' - hook after the payment for a bundle of credits was processed with payment processing module

  • $unit_name - equals bx_credits
  • $action - equals order_register
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • profile_id - [int] client (buyer) profile id
    • bundle_id - [int] bundle id
    • product_id - [int] bundle id
    • count - [int] number of items in order
    • order - [string] order number provided with payment processing module
    • license - [string] license number provided with payment processing module
    • type - [string] payment type ('single' or 'recurring'), current version supports 'single' type payments for bundles only
    • duration - [string] isn't supported
    • trial - [string] isn't supported

'bx_credits', 'order_unregister' - hook after the payment for a bundle of credits was refunded with payment processing module

  • $unit_name - equals bx_credits
  • $action - equals order_unregister
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • profile_id - [int] client (buyer) profile id
    • bundle_id - [int] bundle id
    • product_id - [int] bundle id
    • count - [int] number of items in order
    • order - [string] order number provided with payment processing module
    • license - [string] license number provided with payment processing module
    • type - [string] payment type ('single' or 'recurring'), current version supports 'single' type payments for bundles only

'bx_credits', 'sent' - hook after some amount of credits was sent from one profile to another

  • $unit_name - equals bx_credits
  • $action - equals sent
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - sender profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • performer - [int] sender profile id
    • profile - [int] recipient profile id
    • amount - [float] amount was sent
    • order - [string] unique order number associated with 'sent' action

'bx_credits', 'subscribe' - hook after subscription was registered

  • $unit_name - equals bx_credits
  • $action - equals subscribe
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • seller - [int] seller profile id
    • buyer - [int] buyer profile id
    • amount - [float] amount was paid
    • trial - [boolean] if trial period is available or not
    • customer - [string] unique customer id for newly registered subscription
    • subscription - [string] unique subscription id

'bx_credits', 'update_balance' - hook after profile's credits balance was updated (credits were transferred from one profile to another)

  • $unit_name - equals bx_credits
  • $action - equals update_balance
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • first_pid - [int] first profile id
    • second_pid - [int] second profile id
    • amount - [float] amount was transferred
    • type - [string] transfer type: purchase, checkout, cancellation, grant, send, withdraw, service
    • direction - [string] transfer direction: in or out
    • order - [string] unique order number associated with the transfer

'bx_credits', 'withdraw_requested' - hook after a profile requested to withdraw some amount of credits from his balance

  • $unit_name - equals bx_credits
  • $action - equals withdraw_requested
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - performer profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • profile - [int] performer profile id
    • amount - [float] amount to withdraw
    • rate - [float] withdraw conversion rate

'bx_credits', 'withdraw_sent' - hook after the amount of credits requested to withdraw was sent

  • $unit_name - equals bx_credits
  • $action - equals withdraw_sent
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - performer profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • profile - [int] performer profile id
    • amount - [float] amount to withdraw
    • rate - [float] withdraw conversion rate

'{object_name}', 'commentPost' - hook after a comment was added

  • $unit_name - comment object name
  • $action - equals commentPost
  • $object_id - commented object id
  • $sender_id - profile id who performed the action
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • source - [string] unique comment source string
    • object_system - [string] comment object name
    • object_id - [int] commented object id
    • object_author_id - [int] commented object author profile id
    • comment_id - [int] comment id unique in the comment object scope
    • comment_uniq_id - [int] system wide unique comment id
    • comment_author_id - [int] comment author profile id
    • comment_text - [string] comment text
    • privacy_view - [int] or [string] privacy for view comment action,
      See also
    • cf - [int] comment's audience filter value

'{object_name}', 'commentRemoved' - hook after a comment was removed

  • $unit_name - comment object name
  • $action - equals commentRemoved
  • $object_id - commented object id
  • $sender_id - profile id who performed the action
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • source - [string] unique comment source string
    • object_system - [string] comment object name
    • object_id - [int] commented object id
    • object_author_id - [int] commented object author profile id
    • comment_id - [int] comment id unique in the comment object scope
    • comment_uniq_id - [int] system wide unique comment id
    • comment_author_id - [int] comment author profile id
    • comment_text - [string] comment text
    • privacy_view - [int] or [string] privacy for view comment action,
      See also
    • cf - [int] comment's audience filter value

'{object_name}', 'commentUpdated' - hook after a comment was updated (edited)

  • $unit_name - comment object name
  • $action - equals commentUpdated
  • $object_id - commented object id
  • $sender_id - profile id who performed the action
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • source - [string] unique comment source string
    • object_system - [string] comment object name
    • object_id - [int] commented object id
    • object_author_id - [int] commented object author profile id
    • comment_id - [int] comment id unique in the comment object scope
    • comment_uniq_id - [int] system wide unique comment id
    • comment_author_id - [int] comment author profile id
    • comment_text - [string] comment text
    • privacy_view - [int] or [string] privacy for view comment action,
      See also
    • cf - [int] comment's audience filter value

'{object_name}', 'decode_comment_data_api' - hook to override comment data prepared for sending in API response

It's equivalent to 'system', 'decode_comment_data_api' - hook to override comment data prepared for sending in API response

'{object_name}', 'replyPost' - hook after a reply was added

  • $unit_name - comment object name
  • $action - equals replyPost
  • $object_id - parent comment id
  • $sender_id - profile id who performed the action
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • source - [string] unique comment source string
    • object_system - [string] comment object name
    • object_id - [int] commented object id
    • object_author_id - [int] commented object author profile id
    • object_author_id - [int] commented object author profile id
    • parent_id - [int] parent comment id unique in the comment object scope
    • parent_uniq_id - [int] system wide unique parent comment id
    • parent_author_id - [int] parent comment author profile id
    • comment_id - [int] comment id unique in the comment object scope
    • comment_uniq_id - [int] system wide unique comment id
    • comment_author_id - [int] comment author profile id
    • comment_text - [string] comment text
    • privacy_view - [int] or [string] privacy for view comment action,
      See also

'{object_name}', 'replyRemoved' - hook after a reply was removed

  • $unit_name - comment object name
  • $action - equals replyRemoved
  • $object_id - commented object id
  • $sender_id - profile id who performed the action
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • source - [string] unique comment source string
    • object_system - [string] comment object name
    • object_id - [int] commented object id
    • object_author_id - [int] commented object author profile id
    • object_author_id - [int] commented object author profile id
    • parent_id - [int] parent comment id unique in the comment object scope
    • parent_uniq_id - [int] system wide unique parent comment id
    • parent_author_id - [int] parent comment author profile id
    • comment_id - [int] comment id unique in the comment object scope
    • comment_uniq_id - [int] system wide unique comment id
    • comment_author_id - [int] comment author profile id
    • comment_text - [string] comment text
    • privacy_view - [int] or [string] privacy for view comment action,
      See also

'{object_name}', 'connection_added' - hook after connection was added. Connection params can be overridden

It's equivalent to '{object_name}', 'connection_before_add' - hook before connection was added. Connection params can be overridden

'{object_name}', 'connection_before_add' - hook before connection was added. Connection params can be overridden

  • $unit_name - connection object name
  • $action - equals connection_before_add
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - logged in profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • initiator - [int] by ref, profile id who created the connection, can be overridden in hook processing
    • content - [int] by ref, profile id with whom the connection was created, can be overridden in hook processing
    • mutual - [int] by ref, if the relation is mutual or not, can be overridden in hook processing
    • object - [object] an instance of relation,
      See also

'{object_name}', 'connection_removed' - hook after a connection was removed.

  • $unit_name - connection object name
  • $action - equals connection_removed
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - logged in profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • initiator - [int] profile id who created the connection
    • content - [int] profile id with whom the connection was created
    • mutual - [int] if the relation is mutual or not
    • object - [object] an instance of relation,
      See also

'{object_name}', 'connection_removed_all' - hook after all connections with deleted 'initiator' were removed.

  • $unit_name - connection object name
  • $action - equals connection_removed_all
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - logged in profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • content - [int] profile id with whom the connection was created
    • object - [object] an instance of relation,
      See also

'{object_name}', 'keyword_added' - hook after a keyword (hashtag) was recognized in provided text

  • $unit_name - metatags object name
  • $action - equals keyword_added
  • $object_id - object id
  • $sender_id - currently logged in profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • meta - [string] keyword
    • content_id - [int] content id
    • source - [string] unique source id

'{object_name}', 'mention_added' - hook after meta mention was processed

It's equivalent to '{object_name}', 'keyword_added' - hook after a keyword (hashtag) was recognized in provided text

'{object_name}', 'connection_confirmed' - hook after relation was confirmed

  • $unit_name - relation object name
  • $action - equals connection_confirmed
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - logged in profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • initiator - [int] profile id who created the connection
    • content - [int] profile id with whom the connection was created
    • mutual - [int] if the relation is mutual or not
    • object - [object] an instance of relation,
      See also

'{object_name}', 'get_relations' - hook to override relation info

  • $unit_name - relation object name
  • $action - equals get_relations
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - logged in profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • initiator - [int] profile id who created the connection
    • content - [int] profile id with whom the connection was created
    • pre_list - [string] predefined list name with all available relation types
    • relations - [array] by ref, array with relations between 'initiator' and 'content' profiles, can be overridden in hook processing

'{object_name}', 'doVoteDown' - hook after score vote

It's equivalent to '{object_name}', 'doVoteUp' - hook after score vote

'{object_name}', 'doVoteUp' - hook after score vote

  • $unit_name - score object name
  • $action - equals doVoteUp
  • $object_id - object id which got a vote
  • $sender_id - profile id who voted
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • score_id - [int] vote id
    • score_author_id - [int] profile id who voted
    • object_author_id - [int] author id of the object which got a vote

'bx_donations', 'donate' - hook to override the content of donate block

  • $unit_name - equals bx_donations
  • $action - equals donate
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • tmpl_name - [string] by ref, template name, can be overridden in hook processing
    • tmpl_vars - [array] by ref, template parsable variables as key&value pairs, can be overridden in hook processing
    • override_result - [string] by ref, string with HTML code to be output, if null the default template parsing function will be used, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_donations', 'donation_register' - hook after the donation payment was processed with payment processing module

  • $unit_name - equals bx_donations
  • $action - equals donation_register
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • donation_id - [int] donation id
    • profile_id - [int] donator profile id
    • order - [string] order number provided with payment processing module
    • type - [string] payment type ('single' or 'recurring')
    • amount - [float] donated amount
    • count - [int] number of items in order

'bx_donations', 'donation_unregister' - hook after the donation payment was refunded with payment processing module

It's equivalent to 'bx_donations', 'donation_register' - hook after the donation payment was processed with payment processing module except amount parameter in $extra_params is missing

'bx_events', 'calendar_data' - hook in get data for calendar

  • $unit_name - equals bx_events
  • $action - equals calendar_data
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • params - [array] array of paramaretes in calendar
    • event - [int] event id
    • context_id - [int] profile_id for context of current event
    • start - [string] start date in format date('d.m.Y')
    • end - [string] end date in format date('d.m.Y')
    • sql_part - [array] by ref, sql for data selection, can be overridden in hook processing
    • data - [array] by ref, data for calendar, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_events', 'check_in' - hook in on somebody check-in some event

  • $unit_name - equals bx_events
  • $action - equals check_in
  • $object_id - event_id
  • $sender_id - current user's profile_id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • event_profile_id - [int] profile_id from checked event

'bx_events', 'reminder' - hook on enent's reminder

  • $unit_name - equals bx_events
  • $action - equals reminder
  • $object_id - event_id
  • $sender_id - event profile_id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object_author_id - [int] event profile_id
    • reminder - [int] reminder id

'bx_feedback', 'added_answer' - hook on new answer added

  • $unit_name - equals bx_feedback
  • $action - equals added_answer
  • $object_id - answer id
  • $sender_id - current user profile_id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object_author_id - [int] current user profile_id
    • question_id - [int] question id
    • important - [string] answer's important value
    • data - [string] answer's content
    • votes - [int] count of votes

'bx_feedback', 'added_answer_notif' - hook on new answer added

  • $unit_name - equals bx_feedback
  • $action - equals added_answer_notif
  • $object_id - question_id
  • $sender_id - current user profile_id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object_author_id - [int] current user profile_id
    • subobject_id - [int] answer id
    • important - [string] answer's important value
    • data - [string] answer's content
    • votes - [int] count of votes

'bx_feedback', 'added_question' - hook on new question added

  • $unit_name - equals bx_feedback
  • $action - equals added_question
  • $object_id - question_id
  • $sender_id - not used

'bx_feedback', 'deleted_answer' - hook on new answer deleted

  • $unit_name - equals bx_feedback
  • $action - equals deleted_answer
  • $object_id - answer id
  • $sender_id - current user profile_id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • question_id - [int] question id
    • important - [string] answer's important value
    • data - [string] answer's content
    • votes - [int] count of votes

'bx_feedback', 'deleted_question' - hook on question deleted

  • $unit_name - equals bx_feedback
  • $action - equals deleted_question
  • $object_id - question_id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • question - [array] all question info
    • answers - [array] answers for current question

'bx_feedback', 'edited_question' - hook on new question edited

  • $unit_name - equals bx_feedback
  • $action - equals edited_question
  • $object_id - question_id
  • $sender_id - not used

'bx_invites', 'add_friend' - hook on add friend on new user registred by invitaion

  • $unit_name - equals add_friend
  • $action - equals invite
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • profile_id - [int] profile_id for user registred by invitaion
    • override_result - [bool] by ref, if true friend will be added, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_invites', 'invite' - hook on new invite

  • $unit_name - equals bx_invites
  • $action - equals invite
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - invited profile_id

'bx_invites', 'request_notify' - hook on notify all admins&moderators about new request

  • $unit_name - equals bx_invites
  • $action - equals request_notify
  • $object_id - request id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • parent_author_id - [int] profile_id of notified profile

'bx_market', 'license_expire' - hook on found expired license

  • $unit_name - equals bx_market
  • $action - equals license_expire
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of expired licenses

'bx_market', 'license_reset' - hook on license reset

  • $unit_name - equals bx_market
  • $action - equals license_reset
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of reseted licenses

'bx_notifications', 'before_parse_email_template' - hook to override email template

  • $unit_name - equals bx_notifications
  • $action - equals before_parse_email_template
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • profile_id - [int] recipient profile id
    • template - [string] email template name
    • markers - [array] parsable variables array as key&value pairs
    • notification - [array] notification data array as key&value pairs
    • override_result - [array] by ref, email template (subject and body), if null, then default one will be used, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_notifications', 'before_register_alert' - hook to override alert (hook) before processing

  • $unit_name - equals bx_notifications
  • $action - equals before_register_alert
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • unit - [string] alert (hook) unit
    • action - [string] alert (hook) action
    • alert - [array] by ref, an instance of alert (,
      See also
      BxDolAlerts, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_notifications', 'before_send_notification_push' - hook to override push message

  • $unit_name - equals bx_notifications
  • $action - equals before_send_notification_push
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • profile_id - [int] recipient profile id
    • content - [array] by ref, push message params array as key&value pairs, can be overridden in hook processing
    • setting - [array] by ref, push settings array as key&value pairs, can be overridden in hook processing
    • subject - [string] by ref, push message subject, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_notifications', 'get_content' - hook to override notification content

  • $unit_name - equals bx_notifications
  • $action - equals get_content
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • event - [array] by ref, event data array, can be overridden in hook processing
    • override_result - [array] by ref, event content array, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_notifications', 'get_events' - hook to override events list which will be received from database

  • $unit_name - equals bx_notifications
  • $action - equals get_events
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • browse - [string] browsing type
    • params - [array] browse params array as key&value pairs
    • table - [string] datatbase table name
    • method - [string] by ref, database class method name,
      See also
      BxDolDb, can be overridden in hook processing
    • select_clause - [string] by ref, 'select' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • join_clause_po - [string] by ref, 'join' part of Owner's SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • join_clause_pc - [string] by ref, 'join' part of Connections' SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • where_clause_po - [string] by ref, 'where' part of Owner's SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • where_clause_pc - [string] by ref, 'where' part of Connections' SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • order_clause_po - [string] by ref, 'order' part of Owner's SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • order_clause_pc - [string] by ref, 'order' part of Connections' SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • order_clause - [string] by ref, 'order' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • limit_clause - [string] by ref, 'limit' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • query_po - [string] by ref, Owner's SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • query_pc - [string] by ref, Connections' SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_notifications', 'get_events_before' - hook to override params which are used to get events

  • $unit_name - equals bx_notifications
  • $action - equals get_events_before
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • params - [array] by ref, params array as key&value pairs, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_notifications', 'get_list_by_type' - hook to override SQL query parts which are used to get events list

  • $unit_name - equals bx_notifications
  • $action - equals get_list_by_type
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • type - [string] a type of events list
    • owner_id - [int] owner profile id
    • params - [array] browse params array as key&value pairs
    • table - [string] datatbase table name
    • join_clause - [string] by ref, 'join' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • where_clause - [string] by ref, 'where' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • where_clause_start_from - [string] by ref, 'start_from' condition in 'where' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • where_clause_status - [string] by ref, 'status' condition in 'where' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • where_clause_modules - [string] by ref, 'modules' condition in 'where' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • where_clause_new - [string] by ref, 'new' condition in 'where' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • where_clause_settings - [string] by ref, 'settings' conditions in 'where' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • where_clause_type - [string] by ref, 'type' condition in 'where' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_notifications', 'get_notification' - hook to override notification or even cancel it

  • $unit_name - equals bx_notifications
  • $action - equals get_notification
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • browse_params - [array] browse params array as key&value pairs
    • event - [array] by ref, event data array, can be overridden in hook processing
    • event_parsed - [boolean] by ref, if event was already parsed (ready to display), can be overridden in hook processing
    • event_canceled - [boolean] by ref, if event was canceled, can be overridden in hook processing
    • owner - [object] by ref, an instance of owner profile,
      See also
      BxDolProfile, can be overridden in hook processing
    • owner_unit - [string] by ref, profile unit HTML code, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_notifications', 'is_notification' - hook to override checking if an event is available or not

  • $unit_name - equals bx_notifications
  • $action - equals is_notification
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • browse_params - [array] browse params array as key&value pairs
    • event - [array] by ref, array with event data as key&value pairs, can be overridden in hook processing
    • event_canceled - [boolean] by ref, if event is canceled (not available) or not, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_payment', 'chargebee_cancel_subscription' - hook after a subscription was canceled

  • $unit_name - equals bx_payment
  • $action - equals chargebee_cancel_subscription
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • subscription_id - [string] unique subscription id
    • subscription_info - [array] subscription info

'bx_payment', 'chargebee_v3_cancel_subscription' - hook after a subscription was canceled

It's equivalent to 'bx_payment', 'chargebee_cancel_subscription' - hook after a subscription was canceled

'bx_payment', 'chargebee_v3_get_button' - hook to override checkout/subscibe button

  • $unit_name - equals bx_payment
  • $action - equals chargebee_v3_get_button
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - client (buyer) profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • type - [string] by ref, payment type ('single' or 'recurring'), can be overridden in hook processing
    • site - [string] by ref, site name from ChargeBee account, can be overridden in hook processing
    • params - [array] by ref, params array as key&value pairs, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_payment', 'chargebee_v3_get_js_code' - hook to override JavaScript code

  • $unit_name - equals bx_payment
  • $action - equals chargebee_v3_get_js_code
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • site - [string] by ref, site name from ChargeBee account, can be overridden in hook processing
    • params - [array] by ref, params array as key&value pairs, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_payment', 'credits_cancel_subscription' - hook after a subscription was canceled

  • $unit_name - equals bx_payment
  • $action - equals credits_cancel_subscription
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • pending_id - [string] pending transaction id
    • subscription_id - [string] unique subscription id

'bx_payment', 'stripe_cancel_subscription' - hook after a subscription was canceled

  • $unit_name - equals bx_payment
  • $action - equals stripe_cancel_subscription
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • subscription_id - [string] unique subscription id
    • subscription_object - [object] an instance of subscription, redurned by payment provider

'bx_payment', 'stripe_create_charge' - hook to override charge data redurned by payment provider

  • $unit_name - equals bx_payment
  • $action - equals stripe_create_charge
  • $object_id - pending transaction id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • charge_object - [object] by ref, an instance of charge, redurned by payment provider, can be overridden in hook processing
    • charge_params - [array] by ref, array with charge parameters, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_payment', 'stripe_create_customer' - hook to override customer data redurned by payment provider

  • $unit_name - equals bx_payment
  • $action - equals stripe_create_customer
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - client (buyer) profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • type - [string] payment type: single or recurring
    • customer_object - [object] by ref, an instance of customer, redurned by payment provider, can be overridden in hook processing
    • customer_params - [array] by ref, array with customer parameters, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_payment', 'stripe_create_subscription' - hook to override subscription data redurned by payment provider

  • $unit_name - equals bx_payment
  • $action - equals stripe_create_subscription
  • $object_id - pending transaction id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • customer - [object] by ref, an instance of customer, can be overridden in hook processing
    • subscription_object - [object] by ref, an instance of subscription, redurned by payment provider, can be overridden in hook processing
    • subscription_params - [array] by ref, array with subscription parameters, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_payment', 'stripe_get_button' - hook to override checkout/subscibe button

  • $unit_name - equals bx_payment
  • $action - equals stripe_get_button
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - client (buyer) profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • type - [string] by ref, payment type ('single' or 'recurring'), can be overridden in hook processing
    • public_key - [string] by ref, Stripe public key, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_payment', 'stripe_get_code_charge' - hook to override verification code for 'charge' action

  • $unit_name - equals bx_payment
  • $action - equals stripe_get_code_charge
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • provider - [object] an instance of provider,
      See also
    • vendor_id - [int] vendor (seller) profile id
    • customer_id - [int] customer (buyer) profile id
    • amount - [float] charge amount
    • currency - [string] charge currency code
    • override_result - [string] by ref, verification code, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_payment', 'stripe_get_code_subscription' - hook to override verification code for 'subscribe' action

  • $unit_name - equals bx_payment
  • $action - equals stripe_get_code_subscription
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • provider - [object] an instance of provider,
      See also
    • vendor_id - [int] vendor (seller) profile id
    • customer_id - [int] customer (buyer) profile id
    • subscription - [string] unique subscription id
    • currency - [string] charge currency code
    • override_result - [string] by ref, verification code, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_payment', 'stripe_retrieve_charge' - hook to override charge data retrieved from payment provider

  • $unit_name - equals bx_payment
  • $action - equals stripe_retrieve_charge
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • type - [string] payment type: single or recurring
    • charge_id - [string] by ref, unique charge id, can be overridden in hook processing
    • charge_object - [object] by ref, an instance of charge, redurned by payment provider, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_payment', 'stripe_retrieve_customer' - hook to override customer data retrieved from payment provider

  • $unit_name - equals bx_payment
  • $action - equals stripe_retrieve_customer
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • type - [string] payment type: single or recurring
    • customer_id - [string] by ref, unique customer id, can be overridden in hook processing
    • customer_object - [object] by ref, an instance of customer, redurned by payment provider, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_payment', 'stripe_retrieve_product' - hook to override product data retrieved from payment provider

  • $unit_name - equals bx_payment
  • $action - equals stripe_retrieve_product
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • product_id - [string] by ref, unique product id, can be overridden in hook processing
    • product_object - [object] by ref, an instance of product, redurned by payment provider, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_payment', 'stripe_v3_cancel_subscription' - hook after a subscription was canceled

It's equivalent to 'bx_payment', 'stripe_cancel_subscription' - hook after a subscription was canceled

'bx_payment', 'stripe_v3_create_payment_intent' - hook to override PaymentIntent data redurned by payment provider

  • $unit_name - equals bx_payment
  • $action - equals stripe_v3_create_payment_intent
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • setup_intent_id - [string] by ref, unique SetupIntent id, can be overridden in hook processing
    • payment_intent_object - [object] by ref, an instance of PaymentIntent, redurned by payment provider, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_payment', 'stripe_v3_create_session' - hook to override session data redurned by payment provider

  • $unit_name - equals bx_payment
  • $action - equals stripe_v3_create_session
  • $object_id - pending transaction id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • session_object - [object] by ref, an instance of session, redurned by payment provider, can be overridden in hook processing
    • session_params - [array] by ref, array with session parameters, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_payment', 'stripe_v3_create_tax' - hook to override tax data redurned by payment provider

  • $unit_name - equals bx_payment
  • $action - equals stripe_v3_create_tax
  • $object_id - pending transaction id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • tax_object - [object] by ref, an instance of tax, redurned by payment provider, can be overridden in hook processing
    • tax_params - [array] by ref, array with tax parameters, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_payment', 'stripe_v3_get_button' - hook to override checkout/subscibe button

  • $unit_name - equals bx_payment
  • $action - equals stripe_v3_get_button
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - client (buyer) profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • type - [string] by ref, payment type ('single' or 'recurring'), can be overridden in hook processing
    • public_key - [string] by ref, public key from Stripe account, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_payment', 'stripe_v3_get_code_session' - hook to override session verification code

  • $unit_name - equals bx_payment
  • $action - equals stripe_v3_get_code_session
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • provider - [object] an instance of provider,
      See also
    • vendor_id - [int] vendor (seller) profile id
    • customer_id - [int] customer (buyer) profile id
    • amount - [float] session amount
    • currency - [string] session currency code
    • override_result - [string] by ref, verification code, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_payment', 'stripe_v3_retrieve_charge' - hook to override charge data retrieved from payment provider

It's equivalent to 'bx_payment', 'stripe_retrieve_charge' - hook to override charge data retrieved from payment provider

'bx_payment', 'stripe_v3_retrieve_customer' - hook to override customer data retrieved from payment provider

It's equivalent to 'bx_payment', 'stripe_retrieve_customer' - hook to override customer data retrieved from payment provider

'bx_payment', 'stripe_v3_retrieve_payment_intent' - hook to override PaymentIntent data retrieved from payment provider

  • $unit_name - equals bx_payment
  • $action - equals stripe_v3_retrieve_payment_intent
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • payment_intent_id - [string] by ref, unique PaymentIntent id, can be overridden in hook processing
    • payment_intent_object - [object] by ref, an instance of PaymentIntent, redurned by payment provider, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_payment', 'stripe_v3_retrieve_product' - hook to override product data retrieved from payment provider

It's equivalent to 'bx_payment', 'stripe_retrieve_product' - hook to override product data retrieved from payment provider

'bx_payment', 'stripe_v3_retrieve_session' - hook to override session data retrieved from payment provider

  • $unit_name - equals bx_payment
  • $action - equals stripe_v3_retrieve_session
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • session_id - [string] by ref, unique session id, can be overridden in hook processing
    • session_object - [object] by ref, an instance of session, redurned by payment provider, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_payment', 'stripe_v3_retrieve_setup_intent' - hook to override SetupIntent data retrieved from payment provider

  • $unit_name - equals bx_payment
  • $action - equals stripe_v3_retrieve_setup_intent
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • setup_intent_id - [string] by ref, unique SetupIntent id, can be overridden in hook processing
    • setup_intent_object - [object] by ref, an instance of SetupIntent, redurned by payment provider, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_payment', 'stripe_v3_retrieve_subscription' - hook to override subscription data retrieved from payment provider

  • $unit_name - equals bx_payment
  • $action - equals stripe_v3_retrieve_subscription
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • subscription_id - [string] by ref, unique subscription id, can be overridden in hook processing
    • subscription_object - [object] by ref, an instance of subscription, redurned by payment provider, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_payment', 'stripe_v3_retrieve_tax' - hook to override tax data retrieved from payment provider

  • $unit_name - equals bx_payment
  • $action - equals stripe_v3_retrieve_tax
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • tax_id - [string] by ref, unique tax id, can be overridden in hook processing
    • tax_object - [object] by ref, an instance of tax, redurned by payment provider, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_payment', 'stripe_v3_verify_session' - hook to override checking of session verification code

  • $unit_name - equals bx_payment
  • $action - equals stripe_v3_verify_session
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • provider - [object] an instance of provider,
      See also
    • vendor_id - [int] vendor (seller) profile id
    • customer_id - [int] customer (buyer) profile id
    • result - [array] results array received from payment provider
    • override_result - [boolean] by ref, is verification passed or not, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_payment', 'stripe_verify_charge' - hook to override code verification for 'charge' action

  • $unit_name - equals bx_payment
  • $action - equals stripe_verify_charge
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • provider - [object] an instance of provider,
      See also
    • vendor_id - [int] vendor (seller) profile id
    • customer_id - [int] customer (buyer) profile id
    • result - [array] results array received from payment provider
    • override_result - [boolean] by ref, is verification passed or not, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_payment', 'stripe_verify_subscription' - hook to override code verification for 'subscribe' action

It's equivalent to 'bx_payment', 'stripe_verify_charge' - hook to override code verification for 'charge' action

'bx_stream', 'publish_succeeded' - hook on stream published succeeded

  • $unit_name - equals bx_stream
  • $action - equals publish_succeeded
  • $object_id - stream id
  • $sender_id - profile_id of stream's author
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object_author_id - [int] stream's author
    • privacy_view - [int] BX_DOL_PG_ALL

'bx_tasks', 'assigned' - hook on task assigned to profile

  • $unit_name - equals bx_tasks
  • $action - equals assigned
  • $object_id - task id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object_author_id - [int] id for assigned profile
    • privacy_view - [string] privacy view value

'bx_tasks', 'completed' - hook on task unassigned to profile

  • $unit_name - equals bx_tasks
  • $action - can be completed or reopened
  • $object_id - task id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object_author_id - [int] profile_id for task's author
    • privacy_view - [string] privacy view value

'bx_tasks', 'expired' - hook on task unassigned to profile

  • $unit_name - equals bx_tasks
  • $action - equals expired
  • $object_id - task id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object_author_id - [int] profile_id for task's author
    • privacy_view - [string] privacy view value

'bx_tasks', 'unassigned' - hook on task unassigned to profile

  • $unit_name - equals bx_tasks
  • $action - equals unassigned
  • $object_id - task id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object_author_id - [int] id for unassigned profile
    • privacy_view - [string] privacy view value

'bx_timeline', 'add_live_update' - hook to override params and/or code for live updates

  • $unit_name - equals bx_timeline
  • $action - equals add_live_update
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • browse_params - [array] browse params array as key&value pairs
    • live_update_params - [array] by ref, live update params array as key&value pairs, can be overridden in hook processing
    • override_result - [string] by ref, live update code, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_timeline', 'cache_table_check_fields' - hook to override cache table fields, which should be checked

  • $unit_name - equals bx_timeline
  • $action - equals cache_table_check_fields
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • check_fields - [array] an array with fields which are checked by default
    • override_result - [array] by ref, new check fields array or null to use the dafault one, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_timeline', 'defer_common' - hook after common post was added

It's equivalent to 'bx_timeline', 'post_system' - hook after system post was added and published

'bx_timeline', 'defer_system' - hook after system post was added

It's equivalent to 'bx_timeline', 'post_system' - hook after system post was added and published

'bx_timeline', 'delete' - hook after post (event) was deleted

It's equivalent to 'bx_timeline', 'hide' - hook after post (event) was hidden

'bx_timeline', 'delete_repost' - hook after repost was deleted

It's equivalent to 'bx_timeline', 'hide_repost' - hook after repost was hidden

'bx_timeline', 'fail_common' - hook after common post failed to publish

It's equivalent to 'bx_timeline', 'post_system' - hook after system post was added and published

'bx_timeline', 'fail_system' - hook after system post failed to publish

It's equivalent to 'bx_timeline', 'post_system' - hook after system post was added and published

'bx_timeline', 'get_events' - hook to override events list which will be received from database

  • $unit_name - equals bx_timeline
  • $action - equals get_events
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • browse - [string] browsing type
    • params - [array] browse params array as key&value pairs
    • table - [string] datatbase table name
    • table_alias - [string] datatbase table alias
    • method - [string] by ref, database class method name,
      See also
      BxDolDb, can be overridden in hook processing
    • select_clause - [string] by ref, 'select' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • join_clause - [string] by ref, 'join' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • where_clause - [string] by ref, 'where' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • order_clause - [string] by ref, 'order' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • limit_clause - [string] by ref, 'limit' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_timeline', 'get_events_before' - hook to override params which are used to get events

  • $unit_name - equals bx_timeline
  • $action - equals get_events_before
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • params - [array] by ref, params array as key&value pairs, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_timeline', 'get_external_post' - hook to override (add) external post(s) in timeline

  • $unit_name - equals bx_timeline
  • $action - equals get_external_post
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • params - [array] browse params array as key&value pairs
    • override_result - [string] or [array] by ref, code to be added to events list, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_timeline', 'get_list_by_type' - hook to override SQL query parts which are used to get events list

  • $unit_name - equals bx_timeline
  • $action - equals get_list_by_type
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • type - [string] a type of events list
    • owner_id - [int] owner profile id
    • params - [array] browse params array as key&value pairs
    • table - [string] datatbase table name
    • table_alias - [string] datatbase table alias
    • join_clause - [string] by ref, 'join' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • join_subclause - [string] or [array] by ref, 'join subclause' part of SQL query, string is attached to 'join' part, array is used to create query with UNIONs, can be overridden in hook processing
    • where_clause - [string] by ref, 'where' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • where_clause_status - [string] by ref, 'status' condition in 'where' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • where_clause_filter - [string] by ref, 'filter' condition in 'where' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • where_clause_timeline - [string] by ref, 'timeline' condition in 'where' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • where_clause_modules - [string] by ref, 'modules' condition in 'where' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • where_clause_hidden - [string] by ref, 'hidden' condition in 'where' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • where_clause_medias - [string] by ref, 'medias' condition in 'where' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • where_clause_muted - [string] by ref, 'muted' conditions in 'where' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • where_clause_unpublished - [string] by ref, 'unpublished' condition in 'where' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • where_clause_cf - [string] by ref, 'cf' condition in 'where' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • where_subclause - [string] or [array] by ref, 'where subclause' part of SQL query, string is attached to 'where' part, array is used to create query with UNIONs, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_timeline', 'get_post' - hook to override a post (event) before output

  • $unit_name - equals bx_timeline
  • $action - equals get_post
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • type - [string] post type: post or repost
    • event - [array] event data array as key&value pairs
    • browse_params - [array] browse params array as key&value pairs
    • tmpl_code - [string] by ref, template HTML code, can be overridden in hook processing
    • tmpl_vars - [array] by ref, template parsable variables as key&value pairs, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_timeline', 'get_post_content' - hook to override a post's content before output

It's equivalent to 'bx_timeline', 'get_post' - hook to override a post (event) before output

'bx_timeline', 'get_reposted_by' - hook to override a list of users reposted a content

  • $unit_name - equals bx_timeline
  • $action - equals get_reposted_by
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • content_id - [int] reposted content id
    • user_ids - [array] an array with reposters' profile ids
    • users - [array] by ref, an array with variables (keys) which will be used to parse HTML template, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_timeline', 'get_view' - hook to override elements of view timeline block

  • $unit_name - equals bx_timeline
  • $action - equals get_view
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • params - [array] browse params array as key&value pairs
    • event_first - [int] the first event id
    • back - [string] by ref, back link code, can be overridden in hook processing
    • empty - [string] by ref, empty message code, can be overridden in hook processing
    • content_before - [string] by ref, code for before content section, can be overridden in hook processing
    • content - [string] by ref, content itself, can be overridden in hook processing
    • content_after - [string] by ref, code for after content section, can be overridden in hook processing
    • load_more - [string] by ref, load more link code, can be overridden in hook processing
    • js_content - [string] by ref, JavaScript code, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_timeline', 'hide' - hook after post (event) was hidden

  • $unit_name - equals bx_timeline
  • $action - equals hide
  • $object_id - content id
  • $sender_id - performer profile id
  • $extra_params - not used

'bx_timeline', 'hide_repost' - hook after repost was hidden

  • $unit_name - equals bx_timeline
  • $action - equals hide_repost
  • $object_id - content id
  • $sender_id - performer profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • repost_id - [int] repost id

'bx_timeline', 'is_allowed_repost' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'repost' action is allowed or not

  • $unit_name - equals bx_timeline
  • $action - equals is_allowed_repost
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • content_info - [array] content info array as key&value pairs
    • override_result - [string] or [int] by ref, check action result, can be overridden in hook processing. Return string with an error if action isn't allowed or CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED,
      See also

'bx_timeline', 'muted' - hook after an event author was muted

  • $unit_name - equals bx_timeline
  • $action - equals muted
  • $object_id - event author profile id
  • $sender_id - performer profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • owner_id - [int] owner profile id
    • object_id - [int] object id
    • object_author_id - [int] object author profile id

'bx_timeline', 'on_get_post' - hook to override just created direct post (update)

  • $unit_name - equals bx_timeline
  • $action - equals on_get_post
  • $object_id - event author profile id
  • $sender_id - performer profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • params - [array] browse params array as key&value pairs
    • override_result - [array] by ref, result array as key&value pairs, can be overridden in hook processing

'bx_timeline', 'post_common' - hook after common post was added and published

It's equivalent to 'bx_timeline', 'post_system' - hook after system post was added and published

'bx_timeline', 'post_system' - hook after system post was added and published

  • $unit_name - equals bx_timeline
  • $action - equals post_system
  • $object_id - content id
  • $sender_id - content author profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • source - [string] unique source
    • owner_id - [int] owner profile id
    • object_author_id - [int] object author profile id
    • privacy_view - [int] or [string] privacy for view content action,
      See also

'bx_timeline', 'promoted' - hook after an event was promoted

  • $unit_name - equals bx_timeline
  • $action - equals promoted
  • $object_id - event id
  • $sender_id - performer profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • owner_id - [int] owner profile id
    • object_id - [int] object id
    • object_author_id - [int] object author profile id

'bx_timeline', 'repost' - hook after repost was added (published)

  • $unit_name - equals bx_timeline
  • $action - equals repost
  • $object_id - reposted content id
  • $sender_id - performer profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • repost_id - [int] repost id
    • object_author_id - [int] reposted content author profile id
    • privacy_view - [int] or [string] privacy for view content action,
      See also

'bx_timeline', 'unhide' - hook after post (event) was unhidden

It's equivalent to 'bx_timeline', 'hide' - hook after post (event) was hidden

'bx_timeline', 'unhide_repost' - hook after repost was unhidden

It's equivalent to 'bx_timeline', 'hide_repost' - hook after repost was hidden

'bx_timeline', 'unpromoted' - hook after an event was unpromoted

It's equivalent to 'bx_timeline', 'promoted' - hook after an event was promoted

'comment', 'added' - hook after a comment was added

It's equivalent to

'comment', 'deleted' - hook after a comment was removed

It's equivalent to '{object_name}', 'commentRemoved' - hook after a comment was removed except 'comment id' is provided in $object_id

'comment', 'edited' - hook after a comment was updated (edited)

It's equivalent to '{object_name}', 'commentUpdated' - hook after a comment was updated (edited) except 'comment id' is provided in $object_id

'comment', 'get_comments' - hook to override comments list. Is used during comments count retrieving.

  • $unit_name - equals comment
  • $action - equals get_comments
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • system - [string] comment object name
    • select_clause - [string] by ref, 'select' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • join_clause - [string] by ref, 'join' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • where_clause - [string] by ref, 'where' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • order_clause - [string] by ref, 'order' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • limit_clause - [string] by ref, 'limit' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • params - [array] by ref, SQL query bindings array as key&value pairs, can be overridden in hook processing

'comment', 'get_comments_count' - hook to override number of comments for commented object

  • $unit_name - equals comment
  • $action - equals get_comments_count
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • system - [string] comment object name
    • object_id - [int] commented object id
    • result - [int] by ref, number of comments, can be overridden in hook processing

'comment', 'menu_custom_item' - hook to override menu item

  • $unit_name - equals comment
  • $action - equals menu_custom_item
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • res - [string] by ref, menu item code, can be overridden in hook processing
    • menu - [string] menu name
    • menu_object - [object] an instance of menu,
      See also
    • item - [array] menu item array as key&value pairs
    • content_id - [int] content id
    • content_data - [array] content info array as key&value pairs
    • cmts_object - [object] an instance of comments,
      See also

'comment', 'replied' - hook after a reply was added

It's equivalent to '{object_name}', 'replyPost' - hook after a reply was added except 'comment id' is provided in $object_id

'feature', 'do' - hook on feature

  • $unit_name - equals feature
  • $action - equals do
  • $object_id - report id
  • $sender_id - profile_id for feature's author
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object_system - [string] system name, ex: bx_posts
    • object_id - [int] feature object id
    • object_author_id - [int] author's profile_id for feature object_id

'feature', 'undo' - hook on cancel feature

  • $unit_name - equals feature
  • $action - equals undo
  • $object_id - report id
  • $sender_id - profile_id for feature's author
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object_system - [string] system name, ex: bx_posts
    • object_id - [int] feature object id
    • object_author_id - [int] author's profile_id for feature object_id

'grid', 'get_data' - hook to override the data to be shown in the grid

  • $unit_name - equals grid
  • $action - equals get_data
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object - [string] grid object name
    • options - [array] grid options array as key&value pairs
    • markers - [array] markers array as key&value pairs
    • filter - [string] filter value
    • browse_params - [array] additional browse params array as key&value pairs
    • results - [array] by ref, array of grid rows, where each row is an array of fields values, can be overridden in hook processing

'grid', 'get_data_by_filter' - hook to override the data to be shown in the grid

  • $unit_name - equals grid
  • $action - equals get_data_by_filter
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object - [string] grid object name
    • options - [array] grid options array as key&value pairs
    • markers - [array] markers array as key&value pairs
    • filter - [string] filter value
    • browse_params - [array] additional browse params array as key&value pairs
    • conditions - [string] by ref, 'where' part of SQL query in accordance with provided filter(s), can be overridden in hook processing

'label', 'deleted' - hook on new label deleted

  • $unit_name - equals label
  • $action - equals deleted
  • $object_id - label id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • label - [array] array with label info

'label', 'added' - hook on new label added

  • $unit_name - equals label
  • $action - equals added
  • $object_id - label id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • label - [array] array with label info

'membership', 'check_action' - hook to override the result of checking whether an action is allowed or not

  • $unit_name - equals membership
  • $action - equals check_action
  • $object_id - action id
  • $sender_id - performer profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • action - [string] by ref, action name, can be overridden in hook processing
    • perform - [boolean] by ref, check only or mark action as performed after checking, can be overridden in hook processing
    • result - [array] by ref, check action result array, can be overridden in hook processing
    • lang - [array] by ref, array of parsable into check result message variables, can be overridden in hook processing
    • continue - [boolean] by ref, continue or not the default check operation after the hook, can be overridden in hook processing

'menu', 'menu_custom_item' - hook to override menu item

It's equivalent to '{module_name}', 'menu_custom_item' - hook to override menu item

'meta_keyword', 'added' - hook after a keyword (hashtag) was recognized in provided text

  • $unit_name - equals meta_keyword
  • $action - equals added
  • $object_id - object id
  • $sender_id - currently logged in profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • meta - [string] keyword
    • content_id - [int] content id
    • source - [string] unique source id
    • object - [string] metatags object name

'meta_keyword', 'before_added' - hook to override meta keyword before it will be processed

  • $unit_name - equals meta_keyword
  • $action - equals before_added
  • $object_id - object id
  • $sender_id - currently logged in profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • meta - [string] by ref, keyword, can be overridden in hook processing
    • content_id - [int] content id
    • object - [string] metatags object name

'meta_keyword', 'deleted' - hook on delete meta keyword

  • $unit_name - equals meta_keyword
  • $action - equals deleted
  • $object_id - content_id
  • $sender_id - profile_id fror logged user
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object - [string] object name

'meta_keyword', 'url' - hook to override meta keyword URL

  • $unit_name - equals meta_keyword
  • $action - equals url
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • url - [string] by ref, keyword URL, can be overridden in hook processing
    • keyword - [string] keyword
    • id - [int] content id
    • object - [string] metatags object name
    • section - [string] a string with sections (modules) in which a search by keyword will be performed (for default hashtag URL)

'meta_mention', 'added' - hook after meta mention was processed

It's equivalent to 'meta_keyword', 'added' - hook after a keyword (hashtag) was recognized in provided text

'meta_mention', 'before_added' - hook to override meta mention before it will be processed

It's equivalent to 'meta_keyword', 'before_added' - hook to override meta keyword before it will be processed except mention value is used in $object_id

'module_template_method_call', '{method_name}' - hook to override a method from template class in a module

  • $unit_name - equals module_template_method_call
  • $action - method name
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • module - [object] an instance of a module,
      See also
    • args - [array] by ref, array with method call arguments, can be overridden in hook processing
    • override_result - [mixed] by ref, method call response, if equals to 'null', the default method will be called, can be overridden in hook processing

'profile', 'add' - hook on profile added

  • $unit_name - equals profile
  • $action - equals add
  • $object_id - profile_id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • module - [string] action id
    • content - [int] content_id in module
    • account - [int] account_id
    • status - [string] status
    • action - [int] action id
    • profile_id - [int] by ref, iprofile_id, can be overridden in hook processing

'profile', 'approve' - hook on switch profile

  • $unit_name - equals profile
  • $action - equals approve
  • $object_id - profile_id for current user
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • action - [int] action id
    • status - [string] by ref, status, can be overridden in hook processing
    • send_email_notification - [bool] by ref, if need to send notification about changed status = true, otherwise false, can be overridden in hook processing

'profile', 'before_delete' - hook on before profile deletion

  • $unit_name - equals profile
  • $action - equals before_delete
  • $object_id - profile_id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • delete_with_content - [bool] also delete content for profile or not
    • stop_deletion - [bool] by ref, if true then stop profile deletion, can be overridden in hook processing
    • type - [string] module name

'profile', 'check_contact' - hook on check some profile to allow contact him

  • $unit_name - equals profile
  • $action - equals check_contact
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • can_contact - [bool] by ref, can contact or not, can be overridden in hook processing
    • sender - [int] profile_id for sender
    • recipient - [int] profile_id for recipient
    • where - [string] module name

'profile', 'content_info_by_id' - hook to modify profile info retrieved by content id

  • $unit_name - equals profile
  • $action - equals content_info_by_id
  • $object_id - content id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • module - [string] profile module name
    • info - [array] by ref, profile info array as key&value pairs, can be overridden in hook processing

'profile', 'content_info_by_profile_id' - hook to modify profile info retrieved by profile id

  • $unit_name - equals profile
  • $action - equals content_info_by_profile_id
  • $object_id - profile id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • module - [string] profile module name
    • info - [array] by ref, profile info array as key&value pairs, can be overridden in hook processing

'profile', 'delete' - hook on profile deleted

  • $unit_name - equals profile
  • $action - equals delete
  • $object_id - profile_id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • delete_with_content - [bool] also delete content for profile or not
    • type - [string] module name

'profile', 'profile_name' - hook on before profile deletion

  • $unit_name - equals profile
  • $action - equals profile_name
  • $object_id - profile_id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • info - [array] profile info
    • display_name - [bool] by ref, display profile name, can be overridden in hook processing

'profile', 'prolong_membership' - hook after current membership level was prolonged

It's equivalent to 'profile', 'set_membership' - hook after a new membership level was set

'profile', 'search_by_term' - hook to modify a list of profiles found by term

  • $unit_name - equals profile
  • $action - equals search_by_term
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • module - [string] profile module name
    • table - [string] db table name
    • select - [string] by ref, 'select' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • join - [string] by ref, 'join' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • where - [string] by ref, 'where' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • order_by - [string] by ref, 'order' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing

'profile', 'send_mail' - hook in $oAccount->isConfirmed check

  • $unit_name - equals profile
  • $action - equals send_mail
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - recipient profile_id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • test_mode - [bool] test mode or not
    • email - [string] email
    • subject - [string] letter subject
    • body - [string] letter body
    • header - [string] letter header
    • params - [string] letter params
    • recipient - [array] recipient info
    • html - [bool] is html letter or not
    • ret - [bool] sent successfuly or not
    • error_message - [string] error message

'profile', 'set_membership' - hook after a new membership level was set

  • $unit_name - equals profile
  • $action - equals set_membership
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - profile id to set level to
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • mlevel - [int] membership level id
    • period - [int] number of periods
    • period_unit - [string] period unit (day, week, month, etc)
    • starts_now - [boolean] if new membership starts immediately or queued
    • txn_id - [string] related payment transaction id

'profile', 'unit' - hook to override profile browsing unit

  • $unit_name - equals profile
  • $action - equals unit
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • module - [string] module name
    • data - [array] profile info array as key&value pairs
    • check_private_content - [boolean] check if it's a provate profile
    • template - [string] or [array] with template for profile unit
    • params - [array] additional params array as key&value pairs
    • tmpl_name - [string] by ref, template name, can be overridden in hook processing
    • tmpl_vars - [array] by ref, template parsable variables as key&value pairs, can be overridden in hook processing

'reply', 'deleted' - hook after a reply was removed

It's equivalent to '{object_name}', 'replyRemoved' - hook after a reply was removed except 'comment id' is provided in $object_id

'favorite', 'favorite' - hook on add new object to favorites lists

  • $unit_name - equals report
  • $action - equals do
  • $object_id - report id
  • $sender_id - profile_id for report's author
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object_system - [string] system name, ex: bx_posts
    • object_id - [int] reported object id
    • object_author_id - [int] author's profile_id for reported object_id
    • type - [string] report type
    • text - [bool] report text

'favorite', 'favorite' - hook on add new object to favorites lists or remove object from favorites lists

  • $unit_name - equals report
  • $action - equals undo
  • $object_id - report id
  • $sender_id - profile_id for report's author
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object_system - [string] system name, ex: bx_posts
    • object_id - [int] reported object id
    • object_author_id - [int] author's profile_id for reported object_id

'score', 'doVoteDown' - hook after score vote

It's equivalent to hook-score-doUp

'search', 'get_data' - hook in get data for serach

  • $unit_name - equals search
  • $action - equals get_data
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object - [array] by ref, object info for current search, can be overridden in hook processing
    • search_params - [string] by ref, search params, can be overridden in hook processing
    • search_results - [string] by ref, html for block, can be overridden in hook processing

'search', 'get_form' - hook in create search form

  • $unit_name - equals search
  • $action - equals get_form
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object - [object] current search object
    • override_result - [array] by ref, form arrray defenition, can be overridden in hook processing

'search', 'get_mention' - hook on get mention list

  • $unit_name - equals search
  • $action - equals get_mention
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • params - [array] array of parameters
    • override_result - [array] by ref, array of colors, can be overridden in hook processing

'simple_search', 'before_get_data' - hook on before after get data

  • $unit_name - equals simple_search
  • $action - equals before_get_data
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object - [array] by ref, array of parameters, can be overridden in hook processing
    • mode - [string] search mode

'simple_search', 'get_data' - hook on after get data

  • $unit_name - equals simple_search
  • $action - equals get_data
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object - [array] by ref, array of parameters, can be overridden in hook processing
    • mode - [string] search mode
    • search_object - [string] search object name

'simple_search', 'get_query' - hook on get sql queries

  • $unit_name - equals simple_search
  • $action - equals get_query
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object - [array] by ref, array of parameters, can be overridden in hook processing
    • mode - [string] search mode
    • search_object - [string] search object name
    • search_query - [array] by ref, array of sql, can be overridden in hook processing

'simple_search', 'show_data' - hook in display block for search

  • $unit_name - equals simple_search
  • $action - equals show_data
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object - [array] by ref, object info for current search, can be overridden in hook processing
    • mode - [string], search mode
    • search_results - [string] by ref, html for block, can be overridden in hook processing

'system', 'account_profile_switcher' - hook to get account profile switcher

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals account_profile_switcher
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • account_id - [int] account id
    • active_profile_id - [int] by ref, current profile id, can be overridden in hook processing
    • url_profile_action - [string] url profile action
    • show_all - [bool] by ref, show all profiles or not, can be overridden in hook processing
    • button_title - [string] by ref, title for button, can be overridden in hook processing
    • profile_template - [string] by ref, profile template, can be overridden in hook processing
    • profiles - [array] by ref, array of profiles info , can be overridden in hook processing

'system', 'before_send_mail' - hook before mail sending

It's equivalent to 'system', 'check_send_mail' - hook for disabling mail sending

'system', '{payment_action}' - hook after some payment related action happened

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - action (Finalize Checkout, Register Payment, Refund Payment, etc)
  • $object_id - object id, not used in most cases
  • $sender_id - action performer profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params including currently active payment processing module name

'system', 'check_allowed_action_by_role' - hook to override the result of checking whether an action is allowed or not to context member by his role in the context

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals check_allowed_action_by_role
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • module - [string] module name
    • multi_roles - [boolean] whether multi roles are enabled in context or not
    • action - [string] action to be checked
    • action_module - [string] module name which the action belongs to
    • content_profile_id - [int] context profile id
    • content_info - [array] context info array as key&value pairs
    • profile_id - [int] profile id to be checked the availability of the action to
    • profile_role - [int] profile role in the context
    • override_result - [boolean] by ref, check action result, can be overridden in hook processing.

'system', 'check_allowed_browse' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'browse' action is allowed or not to currently logged in profile

It's equivalent to 'system', 'check_allowed_view' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'view' action is allowed or not to specified profile except content_info parameter in $extra_params is missing

'system', 'check_allowed_contact' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'contact' action is allowed or not to specified profile

It's equivalent to 'system', 'check_allowed_view' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'view' action is allowed or not to specified profile

'system', 'check_allowed_fan_add' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'fan add' to context action is allowed or not to currently logged in user

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals check_allowed_fan_add
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • module - [string] module name
    • content_info - [array] context info array as key&value pairs
    • profile_id - [int] currently logged in profile id to be checked the availability of the action to
    • override_result - [string] or [int] by ref, check action result, can be overridden in hook processing. Return string with an error if action isn't allowed or CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED,
      See also

'system', 'check_allowed_post' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'post' action is allowed or not to specified profile

It's equivalent to 'system', 'check_allowed_view' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'view' action is allowed or not to specified profile

'system', 'check_allowed_subscribe_add' - hook to override the result of checking whether currently logged in user can subscribe (follow) the context or not

It's equivalent to 'system', 'check_allowed_view' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'view' action is allowed or not to specified profile

'system', 'check_allowed_view' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'view' action is allowed or not to specified profile

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals check_allowed_view
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • module - [string] module name
    • content_info - [array] content info array as key&value pairs
    • profile_id - [boolean] or [int] profile id to be checked the availability of the action to
    • override_result - [string] or [int] by ref, check action result, can be overridden in hook processing. Return string with an error if action isn't allowed or CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED,
      See also

'system', 'check_privacy' - check privacy for object

  • $unit_name - equals profile
  • $action - equals check_privacy
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object_id - [int] object id
    • viewer_id - [int] profile_id for viewer
    • object - [array] object privacy
    • object_privacy - [array] arry with object privacy
    • result - [bool] by ref, on success return true otherwise false, can be overridden in hook processing

'system', 'check_send_mail' - hook for disabling mail sending

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals check_send_mail
  • $object_id - recipient profile id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • email - [string] recipient email
    • subject - [string] email subject
    • body - [string] email body
    • header - [string] email headers, headers are separated with double new line character
    • params - [string] parameters for php mail function
    • recipient - [array] recipient info array
    • email_type - [int] email type, one of the following BX_EMAIL_SYSTEM, BX_EMAIL_NOTIFY, BX_EMAIL_MASS
    • html - [boolean] true if email content is HTML, if false then email content is text
    • custom_headers - [array] custom email headers array as key&value pairs
    • override_result - [boolean] override result of sendMail function, if true then mail sending should continue as usual, if false then mail sending should stop

'system', 'check_spam' - hook to override (perform) spam checking

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals check_spam
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - currently logged in account id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • is_spam - [boolean] by ref, if checked conetent is spam or not, can be overridden in hook processing
    • content - [string] by ref, content to check, can be overridden in hook processing
    • where - [string] where the content was received from, equals to 'form'
    • type - [string] subsection where the content was received from

'system', 'check_spam_url' - hook to override sClass for search

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals check_spam_url
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - logged account id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • is_spam - [bool] by ref, spam url or not, can be overridden in hook processing
    • content - [string] by ref, url of link, can be overridden in hook processing
    • where - [string] equal redirect

'system', 'decode_comment_data_api' - hook to override comment data prepared for sending in API response

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals decode_comment_data_api
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • module - [string] module name
    • data - [array] comment info array as key&value pairs
    • params - [array] params array as key&value pairs
    • data_api - [array] by ref, comment data prepared for sending in API response, can be overridden in hook processing

'system', 'decode_data_api' - hook to override content data prepared for sending in API response

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals decode_data_api
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • module - [string] module name
    • data - [array] content info array as key&value pairs
    • params - [array] params array as key&value pairs
    • data_api - [array] by ref, content data prepared for sending in API response, can be overridden in hook processing

'system', 'display_cover' - hook to override page cover code to be output

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals display_cover
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • res - [string] by ref, when null the default generation mechanism will be used, can be overridden in hook processing
    • template_name - [string] by ref, template name, can be overridden in hook processing
    • params - [array] by ref, additional params array as key&value pairs, can be overridden in hook processing

'system', 'editor_query_params' - hook to override http(s) request's query params, which is used in HTML editor

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals editor_query_params
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • form - [object] an instance of form,
      See also
    • override_result - [array] by ref, query string params, can be overridden in hook processing

'system', 'encrypt_password_after' - hook to override password using another encrypt function

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals encrypt_password_after
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • info - [array] account info array as key&value pairs
    • pwd - [string] original password
    • password - [string] by ref, encrypt password, can be overridden in hook processing

'system', 'form_check' - hook to override form object after data checking was performed

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals form_check
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object - [object] by ref, an instance of form,
      See also
      BxDolForm, can be overridden in hook processing

'system', 'form_output' - hook to override form object and/or code to be output

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals form_output
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • dynamic - [boolean] is dynamic mode
    • object - [object] by ref, an instance of form class,
      See also
      BxDolForm, can be overridden in hook processing
    • code - [boolean] or [string] by ref, when false the default generation mechanism will be used, can be overridden in hook processing
    • include - [string] by ref, additional data to be attached to output, can be overridden in hook processing

'system', 'form_output_api' - hook to override form object and/or code to be output. Is used in API calls.

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals form_output_api
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • dynamic - [boolean] is dynamic mode
    • object - [object] by ref, an instance of form class,
      See also
      BxDolForm, can be overridden in hook processing
    • code - [boolean] by ref, when false the default generation mechanism will be used, can be overridden in hook processing

'system', 'form_submitted' - hook to override form object after data was submitted and saved in database

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals form_submitted
  • $object_id - newly created database record id
  • $sender_id - currently logged in profile id
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • action - [string] action equals to 'insert'
    • module - [string] module name if it's available
    • entry_id - [int] newly created database record id
    • form_object - [object] by ref, an instance of form,
      See also
      BxDolForm, can be overridden in hook processing

'system', 'get_badges' - hook to override bages assigned to an entry (content)

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals get_badges
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • module - [string] module name
    • content_id - [int] content id
    • is_single - [boolean] only one badge can be used or not
    • is_compact - [boolean] badge in compact mode or not
    • badges - [array] a list of all badges assigned to the content
    • override_result - [string] or [boolean] by ref, if string is returned then it will be used as resulting badges code, can be overridden in hook processing

'system', 'get_js_code' - hook to override an instance of JavaScript class associate with the page

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals get_js_code
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • mask - [string] by ref, a mask to generate JS code, can be overridden in hook processing
    • mask_markers - [array] by ref, an array of markers to be parsed in the mask, can be overridden in hook processing
    • object - [string] by ref, a string with JS object name, can be overridden in hook processing
    • class - [string] by ref, a string with JS class name, can be overridden in hook processing
    • params - [array] by ref, an array of parameters as key&value pairs which will be passed to constructor, can be overridden in hook processing
    • override_result - [string] or [boolean] by ref, if string is returned then it will be used as resulting JS code, can be overridden in hook processing

'system', 'get_object' - hook to override menu object

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals get_object
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • type - [string] object type, equals to 'menu'
    • name - [string] menu object name
    • object - [object] by ref, an instance of menu,
      See also
      BxDolMenu, can be overridden in hook processing

'system', 'get_object_form' - hook to override an object of create content form,

See also
[BxDolForm]( $unit\_name - equals `system` - $action - equals `get_object_form` - $object\_id - not used - $sender\_id - not used - $extra\_params - array of additional params with the following array keys: - `module` - \[string\] module name - `type` - \[string\] 'add', 'edit', 'view' or 'delete' form display type - `params` - \[array\] form params array as key&value pairs - `form` - \[object\] by ref, an object of create content form,
[BxDolForm](, can be overridden in hook processing

'system', 'get_page_api' - hook to override page peremeters, is used in API calls

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals get_page_api
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • page - [object] an instance of page class,
      See also
    • blocks - [array] array with page blocks
    • data - [array] by ref, page peremeters array as key&value pairs, can be overridden in hook processing

'system', 'get_participating_profiles' - hook to override context participants list

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals get_participating_profiles
  • $object_id - context profile id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • module - [string] module name
    • profiles - [array] by ref, a list of participating profiles ids, can be overridden in hook processing

'system', 'image_editor' - hook to override profile cover editor

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals image_editor
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • module - [string] module name
    • content_id - [int] profile content id
    • is_allow_edit - [boolean] if edit action is allowed to current user
    • image_type - [string] image type equals to header_image
    • image_url - [string] image URL
    • uploader - [string] uploader name
    • storage - [string] storage name
    • transcoder - [string] transcoder name
    • field - [string] field name
    • is_background - [boolean] if image is used as background, always false
    • add_class - [string] by ref, class to add, can be overridden in hook processing
    • add_code - [array] by ref, code to add, can be overridden in hook processing

'system', 'informer_permament_messages' - hook on informer

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals informer_permament_messages
  • $object_id - label id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • informer - [object] object with informer

'system', 'page_output' - hook with page data to be output

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals page_output
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • page_name - [string] page object name
    • page_object - [object] an instance of page class,
      See also
    • page_query - [object] an instance of page related query class
    • page_code - [string] by ref, final page code to be output, can be overridden in hook processing
    • sub_page - [boolean] if the page is used as subpage of some parent page

'system', 'page_output_block' - hook with page block data to be output

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals page_output_block
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • page_name - [string] page object name
    • page_object - [object] an instance of page class,
      See also
    • page_query - [object] an instance of page related query class
    • block_id - [int] block id

'system', 'page_output_block_acl_level' - hook to override profile membership page block

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals page_output_block_acl_level
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • block_owner - [int] profile id to show membership level for
    • block_code - [string] by ref, block code, can be overridden in hook processing

'system', 'parse_email_template' - hook on template with neccessary markers replaced

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals parse_email_template
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • template_name - [string] by ref, name of necessary template, can be overridden in hook processing
    • template_keys - [array] by ref, key ane value pairs to replace in subject and body, can be overridden in hook processing
    • account_id - [int] by ref, account ID of registered member, can be overridden in hook processing
    • profile_id - [int] by ref, profile ID of registered member, can be overridden in hook processing
    • template - [array] by ref, template, can be overridden in hook processing

'system', 'permalink' - hook to override permalink during link to permalink conversion

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals permalink
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • link - [string] input link
    • params - [array] by ref, additional params array as key&value pairs, can be overridden in hook processing
    • return_data - [string] by ref, output permalink, can be overridden in hook processing

'system', 'prepare_alert_params' - hook to override alert (hook) params

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals prepare_alert_params
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • unit - [string] unit name
    • action - [string] equals to 'hashtag_added_notif'
    • object_id - [int] object id
    • sender_id - [int] action performer profile id
    • extras - [array] by ref, extra params array as key&value pairs, can be overridden in hook processing

'system', 'privacy_condition' - hook on get necessary condition array to use privacy in search classes

  • $unit_name - equals profile
  • $action - equals privacy_condition
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • group_id - [int] group ID or array of group IDs
    • field - [string] field name
    • object - [array] array with object privacy
    • privacy_object - [array] object privacy
    • result - [bool] by ref, on success return true otherwise false, can be overridden in hook processing

'system', 'search_ids' - hook to modify a list of found content ids

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals search_ids
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • module_name - [string] content's module name
    • params - [array] by ref, override search params
    • select_clause - [string] by ref, 'select' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • join_clause - [string] by ref, 'join' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • where_clause - [string] by ref, 'where' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • order_clause - [string] by ref, 'order' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • limit_clause - [string] by ref, 'limit' part of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing
    • bindings - [array] by ref, bindings of SQL query, can be overridden in hook processing

'system', 'send_mail' - hook when mail was sent

It's equivalent to 'system', 'check_send_mail' - hook for disabling mail sending except override_result parameter in $extra_params is missing

'system', 'set_cover' - hook in set cover

  • $unit_name - equals account
  • $action - equals set_cover
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • options - [array] by ref, cover options, default template supports the following: title, can be overridden in hook processing
    • override_result - [string] by ref, template name, can be overridden in hook processing
    • cover - [object] object cover

'system', 'transcode' - hook on cancel vote

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals transcode
  • $object_id - file handler
  • $sender_id - profile_id for vote's author
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • transcoder_object - [array] transcoder object properties
    • object - [object] transcoder object
    • db - [object] database object
    • file_path - [string] file path
    • ret - [bool] return

'system', 'transcoded' - hook on cancel vote

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals transcoded
  • $object_id - file handler
  • $sender_id - profile_id for vote's author
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object - [object] transcoder object
    • ret - [bool] reported object id

'system', 'unpermalink' - hook to override link during permalink to link conversion

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals unpermalink
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • link - [string] input permalink
    • strip_base_url - [boolean] strip base URL from output link
    • return_data - [string] by ref, output link, can be overridden in hook processing

'system', 'uri_generate' - hook to override SEO URI generated for a page

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals uri_generate
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • module - [string] module name
    • page_uri - [string] page default URI
    • param_name - [string] param name
    • param_value - [string] param value
    • title - [string] SEO page title
    • uri - [string] by ref, generated SEO URI, can be overridden in hook processing

'system', 'view_comment' - hook on get comment

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals view_comment
  • $object_id - comment_id
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • comment - [array] comment's data
    • system - [string] comment's system name
    • tmpl_name - [string] template file path
    • tmpl_vars - [string] params for template file parsing
    • override_result - [string] by ref, if account confirmed = true, otherwise false, can be overridden in hook processing

'system', 'view_comments' - hook to override comments block

  • $unit_name - equals system

  • $action - equals view_comments

  • $object_id - not used

  • $sender_id - not used

  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:

    • object - [object] an instance of comments,
      See also
    • system - [string] comments object name
    • id - [int] commented content id
    • params_browse - [array] browse params array as key&value pairs
    • params_display - [array] display params array as key&value pairs
    • post_form_top - [string] by ref, post form code for top section, can be overridden in hook processing
    • content_before - [string] by ref, a code to be displayed before comments list, can be overridden in hook processing
    • comments - [string] by ref, a comments list code, can be overridden in hook processing
    • comments_pinned - [string] by ref, a pinned comments list code, can be overridden in hook processing
    • content_after - [string] by ref, a code to be displayed after comments list, can be overridden in hook processing
    • post_form_bottom - [string] by ref, post form code for bottom section, can be overridden in hook processing
    • js_content - [string] by ref, comments JavaScript code, can be overridden in hook processing
    • block_title - [string] by ref, block title, can be overridden in hook processing
    • block_menu - [string] by ref, block submenu, can be overridden in hook processing

'vote', 'do' - hook on new vote

  • $unit_name - equals vote
  • $action - equals do
  • $object_id - vote id
  • $sender_id - profile_id for vote's author
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object_system - [string] system name, ex: bx_posts
    • object_id - [int] reported object id
    • object_author_id - [int] author's profile_id for reported object_id

'vote', 'undo' - hook on cancel vote

  • $unit_name - equals vote
  • $action - equals undo
  • $object_id - vote id
  • $sender_id - profile_id for vote's author
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • object_system - [string] system name, ex: bx_posts
    • object_id - [int] reported object id
    • object_author_id - [int] author's profile_id for reported object_id