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Feature-final UNA 9 Release Candidate is available for download.

Finally, we have the v9 package with all the planned improvements in place. From this point and up to the final release we will not be adding any new features, concentrating on making everything 100% production-ready, fixing any problematic issues and improving performance. In other words, the final v9 release is coming very soon!


UNA 9.0.0 RC-1

If you're running a Beta5 and have automatic updates turned on, the RC-1 will be applied to your site automagically. 

Geeks among you may jump right to the UNA release page at Github for the downloadable packages and referenced list of changes.

The v9rc adds a long list of improvements, including some very exciting and substantial new features, apps, core updates, and fixes. I've made a short video to highlight just a few that are easy to show, but please make sure to examine the whole list of changes below to get the whole picture. 


New apps

 "Jot Messenger" module

"Decorous" template 

"ElasticSearch" module 

"Dolphin Connect" module 

"Shopify" integration module 

"Snipcart" integration module 


System enhancements

Extended search feature to allow to make custom search forms integrated into Forms Builder 

Statistics charts 

Member menu redesign and reorganization 

Notifications cards in real-time 

Automatic real-time updates for notification counters 

Allow multiple login sessions for one profile 

Page load optimization 

"Subscribe" was renamed to "Follow" 

Iframely integration 

Content Info engine 

When users became friends, they are following each other now 

PHP 7.1 compatibility 

"Powered by" link in footer menu 

Different Dashboard page layout 

Compact view for social login buttons 

"Add to mobile homepage" widget 

Localized modules names 

"Receive Newsletters" field was added on join form by default 

Unique HTML IDs for pages 

Twitter cards support 

Links detection in regular text fields 

Allow passing UNA key&secret during install from command line 

Option to specify default profile module to redirect to after join 

Operator can not delete their own profile anymore 

Auto-generated documentation restructurisation 

Forms: allow to specify up to 63 values in multiple select fields 

Forms: functionality to mark field as unique in Forms Builder 

Forms: flag for predefined lists to disable adding new items 

Forms: make date fields to work properly with dates before 1970 

Forms: make editable 'visibility' and 'location' fields in different modules 

Grids: search optimization and fixes 

Studio: apps market improvements 

Studio: search in Storefront 


Modules enhancements

Persons/Orgs/Events/Groups: comments block (disabled by default) 

Persons/Organizations: "location" field 

Persons/Organizations: action to delete account with content from profile 

Persons/Organizations: different redirect options after profile creation 

Persons/Organizations: show who follows you and who you are following 

Events/Groups: option to specify searchable fields 

Events/Groups: separate block with admins 

Events/Groups: TinyMCE area for "description" fields 

Timeline: improvements to make work similar to other social networks 

Notifications: module restructurization 

Contact: option  to send messages from sender's email on "Contact Us" form 

Discussions: show main post time 

Discussions: search in comments 

Discussions: new design for attachments 

Market: associated products 

Payments: Subscriptions management for site admin 

Antispam: checking for disposable email domains 

Connect modules: option to set default privacy for created profiles 

OAuth2: "password" grant type for  API requests 

OAuth2: don't suggest to select profile when there is one profile only 

Developer: allow to edit/delete menu items 

Paid Levels: allow to add zero price level, so members can switch for free to some particular level 


Most important fixes

Fixes in Payments routine 

Fixing privacy checking in comments 

Timeline outline block in groups/event wasn't displayed 

Popup wasn't positioned properly sometimes 

Problem with dollar($) sign escaping was fixed 

When script was installed from command line system files weren't hashed 

Free products weren't downloadable 

Unconfirmed member level wasn't always correctly detected 

Files module couldn't be downloaded via Studio Storefront 


What's Next

Getting to this RC stage is a critical point for the entire UNA project. We had to hold off with documentation updates, tutorials and some of the provisioning changes until we have the feature final package. Now we can let things happen a lot faster, a lot more often and you'll be reading, watching, listening to something from us very frequently now. 

Stay tuned!

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