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Grand Adventures in Cyberspace - Rolling out Online.Me
We have reached a critical point with the development of UNA, where we have our V9 GM1 update poised to go and then we are going to be able to dramatically increase the functionality of the UNA platform.
The UNA.io website has been struggling a little to fulfil a number of roles, working as a shopfront/marketplace for UNA, being the hub for the support community, as well trying to showcase the potential of many of the UNA features. Many of you have probably experienced (and expressed!) some frustration with the UNA.io site - as it can be somewhat confusing, with too much functionality packed into the one platform, it can be hard to understand what it is supposed to be doing, and as such it is not the best demonstration of the potential of UNA Platform. With UNA.io in its current configuration it seems that we can't see the forest for the trees.
As we often tell people who are building with UNA - focus on doing one thing, and do that really well. UNA has the potential to build the next Instagram, Ebay, Tinder, Moodle, Twitter or Facebook - UNA is a platform that can be configured to build any or all of these styles of solutions, but we need to have clean examples of each instance, rather than one platform trying to be all of these things.
Online.Me has always been part of the strategy to create an social community based on the UNA Platform. As such it will be fully functioned as a Facebook look-a-like, (although we won't be selling your data :) Online.Me will be a site demonstrating one potential configuration for UNA, you will be able to simply and easily purchase the Solution Package similar to Online.Me, as a base configuration that you can then evolve into your own designs. In time there will be multiple pre-configured UNA solutions available, probably a for a Customer Community site, a Dating Site package and a Learning Management System.
But first things first, here comes Online.Me
As part of our mandate to demonstrate just how simple the journey of building with UNA can be, we are going to Blog and make some instructional videos throughout the build, creating a series of videos documenting the journey and instructing others how they can do the same.
We are starting now, so watch this space, more to come really soon!
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Look forward to having an LMS with UNA
- · Fabio
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I have try to register to site online.me but do not received mail and i can not login to the site. How can test site online.me ?
- · Hodor Hodor
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Joining fabio request
Mark Purser
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We have received your requests - we will send you the invite as soon as Online.Me becomes functional.
Mark Purser
- · Baloo
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Online.me is a good idea, but "A package dating site" ??? Hmm ... Do you have hidden tools in your boxes? I'm looking forward to seeing how you're going to do this, much to my regret, it's a UNA opportunity that you do not think much about yet, yet it has the potential for, but it misses a lot of essential things.