Added a discussion

Has anyone used CCBill as a merchant account with UNA?

They have a website about their API if anyone is interested in writing a module to work with them...


I'm shopping for merchant accounts and have not yet made a final decision, but they are in the running as they are willing to approve my site. What does it take to integrate them?

  • 212

skool-like "light"-community...

is there a way to create a "leightweight" template for the discussion module leaving out all the overwhelming feature stack?

if yes - can anyone point me to the right direction where i can get further into that direction?

or is there any simpler "forum" plugin for unacms?

and: is there an easy introduction where to get started for developing own modules?

thank you

  • 556

my site will not go back to default after I uninstalled everything from the root directory... can anyone help? all files associated with UNA are deleted, no SQL database for it and yet, it is still acting as if it was up.. i get a 500 error as well but it wont go back to original blank site

  • 599
Added a discussion

Hello there!

I would like to install a favicon in the Google search results of my website (image attached). Can anyone help me?

  • 926

Has anyone any idea why I would get error 402 when I try to share to Twitter I have checked my server there are no problems there, I changed the path from twitter to X but no difference there it will just now share the post

Thanks Simon

  • 950

What is the best way to receive data from a Form, then use this data input into a Custom Block, like a Raw block or something similar. Is this possible?

  • 1096
Added a discussion

Здравствуйте 🤝 создаю альбом но фото в него не загружаются. Создан пустой альбом.

Версию обновил до последней не помогло

  • 1125
Reposted Clubhouse's post.

Hope your all having a great day

I have a question,

When ever I go to share eg:Twitter using image one

I get the result in image 2

TMD have checked and all is ok do we have any ideas or as anyone had this before.

Thanks for your help


  • 1116
Added a discussion

Hi All, My site is hosted on VPS and on VPS I did not have email server installed so no email was getting set to user. I have installed SMTP app and external email provider zeptomail. After configuring SMTP. I was able to receive test email and password reset email but I have not received any transactional email for comment, friend request or even data base critical error.

I have checked SMTP provider log but no error was shown nor any activity to send email for transaction on website.

I am not sure how to fix this issue. Could you please support me on this?


  • 1148